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Can Something Come From From Nothing? (cont.)

Post 1


Can Something Come From From Nothing? (cont.)

This forum was started 23 weeks ago by:Minus-One
I've brought it here in the hope that it will speed things along & encourage more people to post their thoughts.

Can Something Come From From Nothing? (cont.)

Post 2


just do me this~ click on my name... please

Can Something Come From From Nothing? (cont.)

Post 3


I clicked on your name. A very nice name. But I really don't know what it is you want from me?
Are we not to cont. the something from nothing page here? that's okay,
don't be shy...spit it out! Everyone's still writting on that looooooong page, that shows how much influence I have. I don't think anyone wants to take up my space.
Please respond, thank you! Pan

Can Something Come From From Nothing? (cont.)

Post 4



Is this the place to continue discussion of canine conundrums?

I've heard that the reason dogs lick their bits to take away the taste of dog food. I can only assume this is true coz I wouldn't feel to happy about eating something that has ash listed as a nutrient (apart from anything BBQd of course).

Dog psychology is a growth area, there are always enough unbalanced people out there to keep the canny con-man well clad.
I might open a dog phrenoilogy.

Can Something Come From From Nothing? (cont.)

Post 5


Dan(ny), I'm here to tell you...people who REALLY understand dog behavior are worth their weight in kibbles! Belle (my blue dobe) never bothered about storms. Then last July we had a tornado. It struck just about an hour after my roomie helped me take my beautiful golden retriever to be put down...she had gone into congestive heart failure. When we returned without 'Cassie' (who Belle was raised with)
Belle had a true case of seperation disorder! She acted out by becoming afraid of didn't help that Bear & I were both crying at the loss of that wonderful dog! I found an animal behaviorlist on the 'net' & found that when Belle was scared...we were doing the opposite of what was helpful. We kept petting her, saying things like: it's okay. you're a good girl. etc. All we were doing was saying to her-in her mind-that's a good dog to shake, good girl to whine, etc. As soon as we started saying "NO"! "Bad dog!" she stopped being scared of storms! So while I agree MOST people who pretend to be doggie shrinks are cons...there is something to it! Dogs can actually come down with the same disease as their owners! And if a dog grows up in a bad home...yelling & such, they can loose hair & get rashes, and so on. As a Certified Hypnotherapist, I'm use to non-belivers of many things...I use to think dog shrinks were ALL out just for the cash...
but there ARE some who are very sensitive to & understand dog behavior
I've even taken tips on how to make my cat (Precious) come when I call & sit upon command!
Ash is good (in small doses) for the intestines! However, when you flame grill meat, it causes the carcinogins (SP?) to become stronger!
I just learned that on a BBC program...SO IT MUST BE RIGHT! smiley - winkeye
You remind me of a boy who use to stick my braids into paint & other such things! Never made me mad...I love attention! smiley - smiley

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