A Conversation for Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW)

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Post 1

Smoove K

ECW unfortunately folded in early 2001. It was featured in a storyline in the WWF (currently WWE) for a few months, and has since become completely removed from professional wrestling. There are, however, continuous DVD releases of ECW that are released and should be seen by wrestling fans not familiar with the organization.

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Post 2

Mat Lindsay (the researcher formerly known as Nylarthotep...now he has a name, all he needs is a face)

The big problem with the later DVD releases is that they fell foul of the fact that the ECW had been infringing on copyright for many years by using tracks by prominent rock and metal bands such as Pantera ("Walk" for Rob Van Dam), Alice in Chains ("Man in the Box" for Tommy Dreamer) and Metallica ("Enter Sandman" for the Sandman, amazingly). Spending nearly twenty quid on one of these DVD's will land you with the wrestler's walking down to the ring to the strains of some awful background music dubbed over the original entrance themes. Try to aim for the earlier events and the named PPV cards to avoid this as far as possible.

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