This is the Message Centre for nadnerb


Post 1

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I like humour. That was good!

I am and official ACE (assistant community editor) and it is my job to meet and greet newbies like yourself. If you need any help with anything, then ask me. If you want some idea of what to do for your homepage then click on my name which appears at the link at the top of this post. My one is in GuideML, if you need any help then you can ask me, or go to Bruce's GuideML clinic, not sure of the link I'm afraid!


Post 2


Greetings II.
So happy were we with the first greetings we gave you we decided to release the sequel and here it is.
Enjoy yourself. Here you will find fun, mirth, seriousness and a lot of money.

three out of four isn't bad! smiley - winkeye


Post 3

TimJ (ACE)

Hi there,

I went against all your advice and came here, but welcome anyway! smiley - smiley

Why not drop by the ACEs at , where you will be warmly recieved!

The main page (accesable in the goo at the top left) has a whole host of links too, including bruces GuideML page smiley - smiley

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