This is the Message Centre for Hope Loveday

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Hi and welcome to h2g2! I hope you enjoy your time here! I see you've written an introduction and chosen a nickname - a great start. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask me, or any of the other ACEs at . Be sure to check out the main page. You can always get there by clicking that lovely logo in the goo (top-left of your screen). I wish you the best of luck with your exams - I know I need some with mine smiley - smiley. Your toy cat is blue? I'm sure it will cheer up (excuse the awful pun) smiley - smiley.

Remember, feel free to ask any questions,


Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

how'd i guess? smiley - smiley

hey mr cynic, no i'm not stalking you.

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 3

Hope Loveday

Hm, yes the blue cat is apparently a soft toy designed from a kid's TV character, called Pilchard. I saw in a department store and really liked it. Also, since its expression can be interpreted as: depressed, melancholy, bewildered, puzzled, attention-seeking, it means I can look at my cat and then remember to ask myself if my essays really make sense... because Pilchard looks so puzzled. She reminds me to be a bit more ridiculous.

Also good luck with your exams. Me, I hope I will learn to sleep better, and to be a bit faster at this revision business.

I like your page


Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 4

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Pilchard seems very useful smiley - smiley. You must take a post a picture up of her smiley - winkeye. I have one live cat that seems to share the 'depressed, melancholy, bewildered, puzzled, attention-seeking' elements of Pilchard. She is a bit irritating though as she often urinates on things (sorry for that thought).

I'm sleeping very well - in fact, I sleep so well that I rarely start my revision on time. I'm getting a bit guilty of the amount of revision I've missed. I promise to catch it up though smiley - smiley.

And thanks for visiting my page - it is appreciated smiley - smiley. Feel free to take anything you see over there smiley - smiley.

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 5

Hope Loveday

Thanks. I will take a picture. Would I run into copyright difficulties though? I mean my picture, but of a syndicated toy... even if it is the nearest thing I have to a pet cat. (Okay, so I don't have the realities of cat care (e.g. vets bills etc), or worrying about what will be left untouched by the cats claws).

What does your cat look like? What is she called? Do you have a pic?

Hm. My sleeping pattern is weird at the moment, and I am trying to change it because it is getting in the way of work, seeing people etc. Ah well. The next hardest thing after waking up, is motivating myself out of bed - particularly between 7 and 8 a.m... which is why recently it has been later than that. Ho hum.

Ah well, at least I am in a good mood today (smiling; listening to some music, and cheerful upbeat music at that; bought a book to read that isn't history related; and still living on euphoria partially helped by having seen bits of The Matrix again - i.e. all the really good stunts and fight scenes).

Bye for now

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 6

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

I have to cats. One (a female called Magenta) looks rather confused and frightened all the time and pretty pissed off while the other (a male called Toto) is calm and tranquil but is very active. They're both pretty nice except that I can't trust Magenta with her excretion and egestion habits (Sorry, been revising Biology lately smiley - smiley). And no, I have no pics to hand. And I don't think there is any copyright problems with taking pictures of items - it's only if you make counterfit cats that there might be a problem smiley - smiley. Today didn't go to badly for me either - except that I started my revise schedual two hours late. But after that it went fine smiley - smiley.

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 7


The Matrix is a top film. I've got it on DVD, so i can watch the shootouts again and again... smiley - smiley

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 8

Hope Loveday

What other films do you recommend then? If it makes it easier, assume I have never been to the cinema. I say this because 1) I don't get to the cinema much cos it's not exactly local, 2) no VCR or DVD at home, which really leaves 3) me to hope people at college have VCR/DVD/TV/TV listing for me to see films regularly.

Hi Hope Loveday!

Post 9


The last couple of James Bond films were pretty good. The Matrix. I liked Austin Powers. Er. That's probably about it for now.

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