This is the Message Centre for PrAK


Post 1

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

We all welcome you to this amazing site they call H2G2, Earth Edition, of The Guide. I hope you'll have a great time while here. You will soon find that there are many friendly and helpful people in this community. Just join in some conversations, or start your own discussions. Click on any of the links, articles, entries or forums.

Whenever you have a question about how to use this site or its features, you can try several approaches to getting help:

1. follow the links at the bottom of the H2G2 homepage -logo at top left of any screen
2. click "Don't Panic" at the top of any screen
3. drop a line in the forum "Ask H2G2" ( )

If you ever need a hand or if you ever find yourself a bit lost, please feel free to come and see one of the ACE's ( Assistant Community Editors )! You can find interesting links and stuff on the ACE's page -

Take Care and Good Hunting


Post 2


PrAK jiggled his head...


Post 3


PrAK jiggled his head...

...and smiled...

smiley - winkeye

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