A Conversation for cats


Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Yes, cat's are independent. They do what the please (which is normally what you don't want). However, they are much better than dogs who's lame dependence means the do everything their owner wants and everything the terrified guest does not smiley - smiley.


Post 2

Monkey Boy

Hi Hannah,

Nice to meet you!. You should hear from my best friend Alicat soon. I've told her about your entry. She might be able to tell you a little about why cats are the way they are. Have you worked out how to find your way around yet?

How did you find H2G2 then?


Post 3


My cat Thomas is predictable. If you predict that he'll sit down and look at you, then he will sit down and look at you.
Widget, on the other hand, defies all expectations...


Post 4

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi again, MB. Hi Hannah. Welcome to the best place in the world. smiley - smiley
Cats are perceptive beyond belief. They always know what is needed from them, but they are also mischievious. They They like to keep people on their toes. Which is not a bad thing. Surprises are nice, just think about the Christmas gift you were never expecting, and the intense joy you got while opening it.smiley - smiley Cats are like that gift. smiley - smiley When you truly need them, they are there. smiley - smiley


Post 5

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi again, MB. Hi Hannah. Welcome to the best place in the world. smiley - smiley
Cats are perceptive beyond belief. They always know what is needed from them, but they are also mischievious. They They like to keep people on their toes. Which is not a bad thing. Surprises are nice, just think about the Christmas gift you were never expecting, and the intense joy you got while opening it.smiley - smiley Cats are like that gift. smiley - smiley When you truly need them, they are there. smiley - smiley


Post 6


~grin~... Me a cat... and me is very independant... and would love a doughnut...


Post 7

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

sometimes they are there, but most of the time you need them they're sleeping in the sun on the balcony.


Post 8

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Hi Monkey Boy!
I thought I was getting along well, but as I just found out, I'm not. I haven't realized there are people talking to me for 2 weeks now, I'm sorry.smiley - sadface
But I like it heresmiley - smiley


Post 9

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi Hannah. Don't worry about being behind. Sometimes forums get a lot of responses, really fast. It's hard to keep up. Monkey Boy is on vacation until next week. I miss him so much. You were lucky to come across him. He's very special and blessed. If you like animals, we are now on a farm with all kinds. There are nice people and food and horses! smiley - smiley We're here:


Everyone is welcome. There are cats there, too.smiley - smiley

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