This is the Message Centre for Researcher X

Greetings ResearcherX

Post 1


Hi... and welcome to h2g2... ~grin~... me measures time in doughnuts... which are far more tasty than microns me thinks.... which sound to me like they should be some sort of headache remedy...

Greetings ResearcherX

Post 2



hi and welcome to h2g2

hello im scarlett and I just thoght that id pop in and say hi !

there done it .

Scarlett smiley - bigeyes(musing from the dark time)smiley - bigeyes

Greetings ResearcherX

Post 3

Researcher X

Well thanks for being so chipper and polite. Oh, and Scarlet, I read your lil entry on .com, I found it quite insightful and concise. Being concise is very important you know. I think I will stop now as to be as concise as possible.

Greetings ResearcherX

Post 4


Greetings from this corner of the galaxy too.

(Yorkshire. Well, it's far enough away to be another galaxy.)

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