This is the Message Centre for phrawzty


Post 1


First of all on behalf of Sam and myself (Assistant Editors) welcome aboard. The Aces will be around soon to help you out and show you around.


Capoeira - the greatest sport one could ask for.


Post 2


Thanks for the welcome wagon - it's nice to be noticed, hehe.

Woohoo! I'm noticing more and more nodes around here with references to Capoeira - this makes me very happy. smiley - smiley

The actual Capoeira node itself isn't all that tight - this makes me slightly less happy. I wrote a good follow-up in the discussion area. Hopefully, people will read it along with the entry.


Post 3


I read you follow up and it was very good indeed!
Sure am glad to find other Capoeiristas here on h2g2!
Now for a question if you don't mind:
Do you, being both dj and capoeirista and all, know of where one could get hold of a good capoeira dance-remix(dance as in disco(rave/rance/etc.)?

Axé e bem vindo!



Post 4

Researcher 159619

I've been looking for Capoeira remixes for quite some time. I've worked on a few locally, but nothing professional. It seems that, as a candidate for remixing, Capoeira hasn't hit the lime light yet. The soundtrack from "Only The Strong" has a tune or two on it, but neither are that great.

I once heard a trip-hop tune that had an "electric Berimbau" on it - what an interesting sound!

If i find any more information about remixes of this nature, i'll be sure to post about it.


Post 5


That last message, from Researcher 159619, is actaully from me. Oops, my bad.

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