A Conversation for Meat Pies

Meat pie, sausage roll...

Post 1

Is mise Duncan

...come on Grimsby, give us a goal!

The meat pie is also the key food of the football (soccer) fan in the UK, as it is the half time staple. Usually a mix of lamb or beef and potato in a circular pastry - briskly microwaved such that the meat and pastry is still cold but the gravy can scald you ragged. There is also the associated chant for a fat player : "Who ate all the pies?, who ate all the pies? you fat b*st*rd, you fat b*st*rd, you ate all the pies" smiley - smiley.

Meat pie, sausage roll...

Post 2

Pablo Blade

As a fellow football fan I have experienced the meet pie but prefer a cornish pasty. And also being a Sheffield United fan I am aware of Grimsby trying to nick our "GREASY CHIP BUTTIE"

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