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Sound things
wingpig Started conversation Aug 4, 1999
The first code lump you left in the
forum worked for me, but the fancy one left a bit later on didn't. Whymightthisbe? I don't suppose you know of any midi sound file construction programs available for free somewhere? It's a pain dragging a tape recorder and leads to and from the lab to be left with a .wav with lots of added bonuses such as hissing and funny squeaks. Anyway.
Sound things
Pastey Posted Aug 4, 1999
The first lump of code is not so straight forward HTML.
h2g2 doesn't have a problem there.
The second lot of code is not so straight forward JavaScript, a different language that h2g2 just can't seem to swallow, sure it takes it in and most of the time it works, it's just that some things don't and this bit of coding is one of them.
As for midi recorders I don't know, I have to admit I don't do a lot of work with sound. MunkyBoy might know but he's off galavanting around UAE for four and a half weeks.
Sound things
MadMunk?¿ Posted Aug 4, 1999
Well, latest news, not leaving till friday now....
Anyway, h2g2 'really' doesn't like that javascript stuff....
Wingpig, sorry, i don't really know anything like what your after. I don't use midi files much, i don't like the realism...
Sound things
wingpig Posted Aug 5, 1999
Oh right, is the second one only for MIDI files? That'll be why it doesn't work. Maybe is does work, which is why all people of taste and discretion feel their ears turning to cheese when they're reading Fenchurch's page. The first one works fine for nice crackly .wavs, so everything is allright. Cheers for supplying it. Any other interesting bits of markup shenanigans besides the references in the margin, the sound and the thing?
Sound things
Pastey Posted Aug 5, 1999
If you go to my user page and follow the link for How2H2G2, then you should find what we've got so far. Mind you that header tag isn't on there yet.
Sound things
wingpig Posted Aug 5, 1999
Righto. Incidentally, the sound that comes on when my homepage is accessed is quite nice and not as annoying as a drawn-out midi cheese file thing.
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Sound things
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