This is the Message Centre for Pandora


Post 21

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

I've seen upwords, but never bought it. Maybe Lara and I will try it sometime. If you want to play chess long distance, is the place to go. You can probably play Euchre there too. I played a couple games of chess there and got my ass whooped. I mostly play Reversi there, but haven't in a while. You should come play abalone with me sometime. It's loads of fun, very different. is the place to register. The cool thing is, at both places you can chat as you play. I hope to teach you abalone soon, or at least beat you in a game of chess! smiley - winkeye

Have a good one! smiley - smiley


Post 22

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hey everyone! I'm very happy! I just bought the new Corrs album today and it's really fantastic!!!! Out of the 15 tracks on there, I've only heard 1 before and another one is a remix of a previous song they did, and I love them all! Recommendation:if you can get the Corrs album, titled "In Blue", then BUY IT! It's just fantastic!


Post 23

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

who in hell are the 'Corrs' ?!! and what do they play? just curious, i'm always up for some good music. Oh, hi Katsy, it's nice to meet you. Off to your page to see who you are... smiley - smiley


Post 24


If you like Scrabble...I promise you'll LOVE upwards! As for playing a game of anything with you, I've found the fragile, male ego unable to endure loosing, esp. to a game they've just taught a woman to play!!!
smiley - winkeye


Post 25

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hi Pandora! How are ya?

Cloughie, the Corrs are an Irish quartet but they aren't a put together band as they are all siblings. They are Andrea, the lead singer, Sharon, the violinist, and Caroline, the drummer, and they are triplets, so sometimes it's hard to tell them apart! Then finally there's their brother, Jim, who plays the guitar! They've been a bacd since 1989 but didn't sign any record deal until 1994. I only started to follow them since 1997, but they get better all the time and now they are one of my favourite groups! They do pop with an Irish element, if that's the best way to describe it! Anyway, you should listen to them as they are very good!


Post 26

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

I will check them out. I do like some Irish music, the Chieftains and the Pogues come to mind.

Pandora, I have no fragile male ego. I am a very quick-healing loser, and I would think you'd know me better by now. It's the play that's the thing, not the winning or losing. (but winning is much nicersmiley - winkeye)


Post 27

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I like Irish music... smiley - winkeye


Post 28


I DO know you better than that...thought you knew me well enough to know when I'm pulling your leg by now smiley - winkeye Guess I'd best start pulling the other one as you seem to be limping!
It's been awhile since I've seen Yes. It's such a chore for me to go to a concert I rarely bother anymore. I buy Bear & his friend's tickets to lots, as he missed out in his youth...too shy for the crowds...but a few years wih me has REALLY changed him smiley - tongueout As I seem to be getting stronger, I do hope to attend more events! I've been to see everyone that I've ever wanted (at least once)! So, I don't feel too left out! I went w/him to Pink Floyd: Division kicked always, my third Floyd, that I remember...then I sent him to No Quarter...then to see Page & Plant...then C. S. N. & Y.! I saw them years ago & couldn't let him miss seeing all of them together! I
came this close to seeing Yes this last time, butI got really sick...
I'd like to see Ozzy, or someone similar! I don't go unless I'm sure I'll come home wihout a voice!!! And a burn from holding the lighter above my head! Must be age...last time I took a glow stick! smiley - winkeye Have a fun week end!!! (Bear just finished the tongue & grove to he staiway..
wish he'd have done it a couple years ago!!! Now he's in search of a proper sappeling in he woods for a rail!) Party on my g-man!!!


Post 29

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

It's too bad you don't live a little closer. Have you ever been to Saratoga Performing Arts Center? It is a BEAUTIFUL venue, with a HUGE lawn behind the amphitheater. There are sidewalks all through it, so it is very wheelchair accessible. The coolest part is you can get lawn tickets at the door on the night of the show, so if you suddenly decide to go, you're in!! They've only ever sold out a few shows there, the Dead, and Lollapalooza, it's hard to remember. But I just jumped the fence!!smiley - smiley

Ozzfest is this coming Wednesday the 26th. I can't go. gotta work, but I might go see Bob Dylan/Phil Lesh & friends on Sunday. The only others I might see this year are the Allman Bros., the Moody Blues, and MAYBE the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I need to go to a lot, because I only went to ONE last year, and I fell ASLEEP!!!(is that sad, or what?) Ok, I type too slowly to be going on like this. I'll be in touch. Cheers!!smiley - smiley


Post 30


I've been thinking about the Moody Blues...but it's my understanding that for $50 I can see it on pay per view & tape it smiley - winkeye Since the bridges in Cleveland are all torn just might be best to stay home & tape it!


Post 31

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

Well I'm going to pay about $20.00 and see them live. I'll give you a report, it's on Sunday, Aug. 6th. I had one of my best experiences at a Moody Blues show YEARS ago. I had hitchhiked out to see them, but didn't have any $ for tickets(planned to jump the fence). I ended up drinking some beers with some dudes outside(till park security came and made us dump them all outsmiley - sadface), but right after that(about 15 minutes into the show), 2 girls came out of the gate and handed me 2 tickets, FRONT ROW BALCONY!! I gave one to the guy who had supplied the beer, and we saw the show!! The only bad part was the dude gave me some acid, and I got lost hitchhiking home. I wound up going in the wrong direction, walking all night, and ending up at a friend's house 40 miles from home!!


Post 32

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

And I just go to Mods
Hey, what am I saying? I LOVE Mods and Ceilidhs and they are much more "me" than the concerts you are discussing. Each to their own, I guess.


Post 33


13th Century is my favorite style. And have you heard Yo-Yo Ma? Very soothing! I listen to a wide variety of music. I tried, I really did,
but cannot stand Counrty Western, Blue Grass & the like! I'd rather have bamboo under my nails! But Classic Rock is the easiest to pass off in a crowd of friends. (classical is what I play on the piano) I
love most all music!


Post 34

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

Did you know that Country is the Special Olympics of music?smiley - smiley(sorry if I offended any Special Olympians, I actually have respect for them, I once was the trainer for a skier in the winter Special Olympics.)

Actually, I DO like Waylon and Willie and Johnny Cash, but somewhere around 1980, country music just went to HELL!!! All of the new stuff sounds exactly the same to me. I don't understand how any intelligent person could appreciate the crap that passes for music in the country scene these days. Oh well, not my problem. smiley - smiley


Post 35

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

My brother was gonna go to Ozzfest! I was with him when he was trying to buy some tickets online, and when the music came up him and Jules just started going mad pumping up the volume and screaming along!


Post 36


Right now on Direct TV they are doing free 1/2 hr concerts! Just saw Stone Temple Pilots are on! Not bad for free smiley - bigeyes


Post 37

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I love these free concerts on TV! A few months ago I saw a cut down version of Shania Twain live in Texas from last year, and that looked fanatastic, I probably got a better view on the TV because the concert hall was so huge you probably couldn't see anything, even with big screens!
I paid £30 to see Steps at Wembley arena and managed to see 5 other supporting acts, and I only couldn't stand one of them! (That was Boom! BTW!), so we got to see 6 bands for the price of one!


Post 38


Way back when...there use yo be concerts in the park (alot) around Cleveland (about 50 miles from me). All day free-big bands-200 thousand people havimg a party to really good jams, right on the lake front. The poor Mayor wanted to prove he was cool, so he drank some Mad Dog (cheep wine) laced with mesc, acid, & THC. He left that one viva ambulance while laughing about the blue spiders! smiley - bigeyes (afterward a
press release said the Mayor would never drink wine again & the concerts stopped smiley - sadface But I know how you felt...I've been (REALLY) lost twice! Once walking aruond Cleveland for hours. The last time I (we-several of my friends & I) ended up in Pennsylvainia (how the heck do you spell PA?...major Duh!) anyway...we were soooo lost! Everyone was counting on ME to get them home, we were 16 & trashed! We ended up at a roadside rest area. Other people were there & we asked how to get back to Elyria? They'ed never heard of it! So I said well you MUST know how to get back to Cleveland? They looked at me like I had two heads (which I could have-). Then one guy says OH! You're talking about Ohio!!! A hush fell among all my friends. The fellow walked me over to a big map, under glass, that had a big X <----- YOU ARE HERE.
I called my sister, collect, who dosen't like me (because of stuff like this) SHE calls the PA State Highway Patrol! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
I got everybody into the car...should have won an Oscar for acting (straight) & was (somehow?!?) given a Police escort to the exit that would take me right downtown Cleveland-in about 3 hours AAAHHHHH!!!!
Ya' know how guys are always saying how girls can sometimes get out of trouble because they'er cute & flirtted with the cops? Well it's true!
Some of the 'good old days' wern't really THAT good smiley - winkeye


Post 39

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

lol! We're hoping to go trotting round London this Friday and all my mates are like "I don't know London!" But I've told them all I almost know London inside out and so they're all relying on me to get them back home safely! lol! This will be a laugh! There's gonna be a big group of us, I still don't know the exact many, but never mind!

BTW: My brother is leaving h2g2, sob! smiley - sadface


Post 40

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I lived in London for 4 years... and I always carried an A-Z... useful in the case of tourists asking where to go or if the tube didn't stop at the stop I wanted (bomb alert, fire alarm or idiot drivers)

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