This is the Message Centre for handsomeTurboMan

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the wonderful site of H2G2 (otherwise known as hootoo - you will see this word a lot). I am an <./>ACE</.>, and I'm here to help you settle into your new home smiley - winkeye

H2G2 is a living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything, and it's something YOU can take part in. You can write entries on all manner of subjects, and if it's something you think would look good in our Edited Guide (where all the best research goes), you can submit it to Peer Review. Take a look at the <./>writing-guidelines</.> for more information on that. smiley - smiley

I've created a little list of links, just for you, so click here <./>A4992357</.> and have a look at them (actually the links are my daughter's...but hey!! Hootoo is one big family smiley - biggrin)

If you click on each link, they will take you to parts of hootoo no sane person should ever go alone on this site.....

......but as it seems no one here is sane, it doesn't matter does it!

Have a look around, pop into my personal space and read some conversations that I have on the go at the moment and you will see how things work. Don't be frightened to jump in on conversations, hootooers don't bite (well, some of them do, but I'll steer you well clear of those), just be aware of the thread you are reading and whether or not it is a private conversation between two people.

Remember, if you get lost, shout for help and hopefully I'll be around to give you a helping hand. In case I'm not around, just leave a message here <./>ACE</.> and someone will be with you just as soon as they can. Failing that, just click on MY SPACE on the left hand side of your screen and you'll get back to your personal space.

Remember, I'm here to help. smiley - magic

lil xxx

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 2


Hey TurboMan smiley - smiley or is it Terry? I was asked to pop round and say hi, but see you have already been ACE's smiley - smiley I was just going to offer similar service to lil, but was too slow by several hours.

Well, you seem to have plenty of freinds here so I will wander off now smiley - smiley Any probs just yell smiley - smiley Until later...
BCNU - Crescent

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 3


s I'd realy like some help ma cusin princess U194194 has tried her best to try make me understand but it's all higgle piggled to me lol some of the smile face's are very hard to do i've been try to make a jester but the jester smile face dosn't seem to work for me maybe you can tell me what i'm doing wrong, that's good to know where all family here most mine are on here any way, i was wondering, was there a everton club on here? as ma cusin princess said there was but i've tried to find it with no luck at all.
i real like to do me home space page up can you give me a few pointer's on how to do that?

Call me Tez for short all ma family do anyway.

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 4


still hav problems with those smile face action's as you can see.
smiley - ok

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 5


Hey Tez smiley - smiley I do not know if there is an Everton Club here - I will have a shufti, if I get a spare mo' at work smiley - smiley

The last smiley you did was fine smiley - smiley The previous ones were 's' where I think it may have meant to have included the 's' within the brackets smiley - cheers.

As for home page design, it is very similar to Guide Entries and similar to HTML code. When you edit your page there is a radio button choice at the bottem - GuideML. Change the page to that and then you can use HTML (more or less) for formatting the page - so in plain text it would look like this

Use these to make paragraphs
Use these to make bold text
Use this for italics

There are plenty of others, I will look out the help page for you smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 6


smiley - ta m8
real do need some sort of help on here i was think i go crazy with home space page so boring exscuse the spelling as i never had a education untill later age 15 due to me never went to school mam couldn't afford to send me aswell as there 12 of us in total aye a big family it iz as i said ma cusin princess father paid for a good education i real do owe him alot.

don't matter over everton club i'll try get one together as you see i sleep eat smiley - football

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 7


Some good places for GuideML instructions and help -

A395552 - How to Write Guide Entries in GuideML
A187355 - H2G2 FAQ : GuideML
A187229 - The GuideML Clinic

All these have lots of good info, and some of the more estoric uses of GuideML - such as tables and insertion of graphics smiley - smiley Hope this helps and until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 8


Simupost smiley - smiley I think you will fit right in here. The oomph to create your own club? Yes - you will fit right in smiley - smiley Until later...
BCNU - Crescent

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 9

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - bigeyes

*quietly leaves the stage to a professional ACE*

smiley - ok

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 10


lol smiley - smiley A professional ACE smiley - smiley hee smiley - smiley made my day smiley - smiley

BCNU - Crescent

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


smiley - magic

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 12


good evening one and all,

i'm have a bit of boather on here with user U556449 is going around this site and saying i am supose to be a ace like u both are i can't even do a smiley face never mind go round help other's i only started the other day and already i'm plague by thissmiley - monsterwho is saying bad things about ma family members which i do not like i thought this site was a family friendly site with nice people and i feel im being a target by this other user all i said to him was hi and he ask me not to talk with him fair enough i unsubscribe from post and left it at that. but i find im being a target due to ma background as a scouser on here not just that ma cusin had problem's with this user in the past as have few other's i believe.

i have not come on here to cause anyone any trouble at all i came on to learn and to get more out my new pc and to try make few pals
but all i get is grief so far.

thanks for advice over guide i'll have a gander at it after see weather im brainy enough to do it if not i could alway's ask ma cusin and brother's and rest family to do it over 30 memebers come on here and from what i've seen i'm not very impressed.

smiley - cheers

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 13


pls help me im being a subject to racist abuse off user u556449 and it not on at all jus cause i from liverpool and have scouse accent dos not mean i take drugs or steal i have not been in any kind of mafia of any kind i do not own a gun and won't have this user saying racist remarks due to me being coloured person which is not on at cusin maybe white but where all blood related inside and out all from same blood line and history its upsetting having this user bullying me i been here 2 days and im being punished for being black
ma cusin said this site was a nice friendly family site tell me where ? please as i have had enough.smiley - grr

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 14

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Which ACE are you asking for help from?

I have read most threads in yours, princesses and seems to me that you have been following each other around and had been requested to leave 556449's Personal Space smiley - erm

I would advise that you and your friend leave this researcher alone and find some other people willing to be friends with you..

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 15


Ihave never ever called handsomeTurboMan a raciest or anyhting or or his cousine,as a matter of fact ive had so many posts removed from handsomeTurboMan he has sent onto my page,and also not to my page but to someone sles page,also i had posts removed from searcher name dont_trust_him,also i would like to point out i am not known as researcher Phil.
If i get anymore posts from handsomeTurboMan and his cousin and also from dont_trust_him i shall just unsubscribe from them and yes requested handsomeTurboMan and his cousin to leave my space and i hope they do so,it is not me who is trying to cause trouble,as a matter of fact i dont send many posts on here to people.

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 16


see what i mean he jus won' leave me alone

i follow ma cusin due i want 2 read some what she dose on here even thou she ma blood related i still aint a clue what make's her tick what make's her go gaga but what i have read on her page was from couple years ago perhaps it was wrong of me to say hello to people on here i think i'll stay to ma own family as we treat each other with respect! do u get me. smiley - bigeyes

and as for numberman for the last time go a crawl under the rock were u came from as i do not want to corrispond with u at all all i did was say hi 2 u and u ask me 2 not contact u which i have not but u seem 2 follow me around y?

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 17


smiley - sorry one and all about all the agro on here as ma cusin sed i will take her advice and not talk with this person any longer as i want to find ma feet on here do ma home space page up and get 2 know all the nice peeps on here ma cusin told ma offsmiley - laughs

u556449smiley - grr
can u plz go away i hav no cause u any trouble on here neither has ma cusin or any of ma family and we do not know this other user he prob one of ur fans.smiley - steam hey cusin i did it im rich im rich i tell yeah that the subway advertsmiley - biggrin

plz unsubscribe from all ma convos as there no concern of urs but mine and ma family and new ACE m8's on here.smiley - ok

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


Stop reacting back at people like that!

Yes, I have read the threads and can imagine what is behind the hidden postings too. Please unsub from this conversation immediately.


Please keep away from this person, as what you and your cousin are doing is effectively flaming and trolling, which are also against the <./>houserules</.>

Also, one of your threads has been into the account of another researcher called Phil, this person is someone else entirely. I would be grateful if you and your cousin will refrain from approaching those you might suspect to be the researcher above.

If you can try to tone down your use of txt speak, a lot of hootooers cannot understand it..It doesn't matter about your spelling, as long as others can understand what you are saying.

I hope you will enjoy hootoo and if you read my welcome message and click on the blue links, they will help you find more places in hootoo where you can have fun and meet friends.

lil xx
smiley - magic

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 19


will do lil smiley - cheers for the advice.

ma cusin hasn't flamed anyone on here so why is she getting into trouble for this when she hasn't done a thing she dosn't even talk to this other user on here anymore sinse 2004 and she not do any trolling dont know what that means she don't come on here anymore only every end the month as she a friend's reunited Blocker and work's for yahoo from home she barrs peeps gets paid for it aswell.
so why would ma cusin come on here and cause trouble she never.

can u plz tell this phil or what ever his other name is to leave me alone not to contact or contact any ma family on ere as fluffywhiteangel who comes on here hav massive probs wiv him.

what dose trolling mean?

Welcome from your ACE Terry!

Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Trolling is where someone deliberately enters threads, or begins threads and leaves messages that are meant to unsettle or spoil a thread.

My comment about your cousin, is from reading something she placed in that researcher's threads .. about.. "learning his lesson" if I have made a mistake, then I apologise to her.

You have to realise that others read these threads too, nothing is exactly private. We just like to have the illusion of privacy around us sometimes.

It would be best for all concerned to just let this matter drop, here and now. Just continue to enjoy the site in the matter for which it was created.


Key: Complain about this post