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Post 1


Hi again. Hey, why don't you just start writing new entries? That's what I'm doing. So, I can't put pictures in any more. I'm just going to try to be more creative with the writings. Writing alone can be quite fun, I always liked your rants. And now we all have so many new reasons for ranting!

I think these guys may perhaps give us a way to include pictures again soon. And about the censorhip, they can ban certain words but they can't ban creative insults! But I must say I will be happy if there can be a few original pictures again. This used to be a really great site.

Things seem to be picking up a bit. I've found some new friends and I even completed a new guide entry - for my own, personal use, not for the official Guide. Unfortunately, no more animals. I don't see the use of writing an entry about an animal without being able to include a picture of it somewhere, or linking to another web-page, especially because most of the animals I want to write about are so rare that nobody around here will even know what they look like!


Post 2


Hello, hello!

Well, I will take your advice. Mainly 'cause I was already thinking of doing that! smiley - winkeye! I just haven't started yet because I was on vacation for the past week! But i'll start soon! And when I do, you can be sure, there will be some interesting stuff!

But i've got to be getting to sleep, so i'll talk to you again in the future!


*pssst* (I liked your comment about the creative insults!)


Post 3


Where are ya nowadays? Not here anyways it seems!

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