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it´s spring :-)

Post 1


finally, I think...sun is shining so bright and soon it´ll be summer, and holiday.
But I got to hurry school, unfortunately.

it´s spring :-)

Post 2


The sun is shining? *walks to the window and opens the curtain* Oh yeah, I see it is but I doubt it would have melted all the snow already... It should still be pretty snowy there - 40 tons of snow is 40 tons of snow after all... smiley - smiley

And as you don't seem to have very many conversations going on right now, I'd recommend The Dragon Queen of Damogran at
for example... I joined the Quest of the mysterious flying castle... smiley - smiley


PS. Hullua kirjottaa ihan enklanniks... Kummakummakumma oon... PP!!

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