A Conversation for Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 1


Entry: Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure - A9083234
Author: Cardi-Bling - U1619796

This is an entry on the author Clive Cussler I intend it to write some mini biographies on his major characters and some detail of his many books. It scriminal that such a well known author is not mentioned in the guide...if you think you can help the more the merrier!

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 2


Hmmm, used to like his books but personally I found his later works a little formulaic... He tends to repeat himself a lot - assuming his readers haven't read any of his previous books (a prime example of that is his insistance on giving a long physical description of each and every main character in each and every book).

Apart from that, on a constructive note - I'd add the name Clive Cussler to the list of main characters, as he now systematically writes himself into a cameo role in each of his books (he didn't in his earlier works, so I'm not sure which book he first appeared in).

Other characters you might want to add would be St. Julien Perlmutter and Hiram Yaeger...

Apart from that - good luck, you've set up the framework of a monstrously large entry here!

smiley - cheers

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 3


Good idea I've added the headings for St.Julien, Hiram Yager and Cussler himself! Yeah I realised how big this entry was going to be when I started to list his books out! I wanted the entry to read like this one which I'm helping collaborate on,...


However as that's just about the Sharpe books mine's probably going to be a lot bigger but I don't really want to write it just on the Dirk Pitt ones as all his books tend to be NUMA based and hence fit together in one entry. smiley - biggrin

Do you fancy helping write a paragraph or two? smiley - laugh

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 4


smiley - yikes I'll see what I can do, but don't hold your breath... I'm already supposed to be writing an entry that I haven't started yet... But a couple of brief paragraphs shouldn't kill me!

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 5


After that movie - what was it? Sahara, that's it - I got interested in him. Are you still interested in the Entry guys? smiley - winkeye

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 6


Yeah its another entry I really should get back on top of, if you fancy writing some stuff for it, perhaps a bit about the movies, feel free to do it! smiley - ok

What did you think of the film? I thought it was good as an action movie in its own right but I was a bit annoyed as it did deviate from the book quite a lot.

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 7


The film? In the same league as all 'The Mummy' series and 'National Treasure'. Good sunday afternoon viewing, but wouldn't go out of my way to see at the cinema smiley - smiley

I might contribute if I finish all me other projects first smiley - laugh. I think there may be more Dirk films on the horizon too though...

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 8


Oi! Cardi! What's the hap here?

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 9


It got put on a bit of a back burner whilst I was writing other entries, I think I might pick it up again now as I've got nothing going through PR at the moment (a rarity for me)...any thoughts or contributions would be grand! smiley - biggrin

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 10


I'm a trifle busy at the mo' cleaning up the EGWW, but I shall return smiley - smiley

A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure

Post 11


I've deleted this from the EGWW and moved it over to PR now smiley - biggrin

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