This is the Message Centre for Mr Wizard

Hi there...

Post 1


Hello... ~grin~... was just wondering around h2g2 and saw you online... thought me would pop in and make sure you were ok... ~bigger grin~... Well??? Are you????

Hi there...

Post 2

Mr Wizard

Hi yourself
It's nice to hear from you. This is a very big place though I think I will find my way around. Mrs Wizard says hi too
Oh we are fine.

Hi there...

Post 3


~grin~... Hello back at you Mrs Wizard... nice to get such a prompt reply... ~bigger grin~... Using the Guide Search Engine... is a great way of finding out about things... you find all sorts of useless and occasionally useful information there... also take a look at these pages:-

ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) Homepage:-
The H2G2 post (community newspaper):-
Greebo's Party:-
Greebo & Oss' Word Game:-

There's always something to get up to there...

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