This is the Message Centre for Akasword

Ooga booga

Post 1


So there.

Ooga booga

Post 2

an apple tree

a bit of precisment wouldn't go astray

Ooga booga

Post 3


yes, however precision isn't the key factor in this discussion, for if it was, i beleive that we all are up a creek. Hope miami is fun Spartus

Ooga booga

Post 4

an apple tree

and by deduction, i gather we are Not up the creek, as it is well known that the spartus is in miami and that i am hunting breakfast knew that, right? the only mystery we really have left to solve is whether you and your monkey have enough m&m's in store for the next week...
Oh the trails and tribulations...

Ooga booga

Post 5


ahhhh...but in life, we are all up one creek or another. Like those breakfast birds that you are hunting, they don't even have a paddle, or you would be in trouble wouldn't you. I don't got no monkey, so I have more than enough M&Ms for myself, however, it is 7:15, do you know where your monkey is?????????????

Ooga booga

Post 6

what you know as km

What kind of bird does one have for breakfast?

Ooga booga

Post 7


as an apple tree said, a "breakfast bird", silly
or perhaps one that has not hatched yet????

Ooga booga

Post 8

an apple tree

with a pinch of exact and with extreme precise!!!

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