This is the Message Centre for Alien

The Return

Post 1


It's back. The journal, I mean. I wasn't anywhere. I hope...

What I mean is that I'm trying to start to use the journal again and one reason for that is that there'll be periods I won't be around in the summer and this is a good place to say it...

Although I still don't believe many people read journals... I don't... Or should I say I didn't...? Because lately I've often found myself reading other people's journals... Progress?

Well anyway, I still haven't said what I was supposed to say... Which was that I can't stand those "smiles" any more and that's why I'll have to write journal entries... Although I wouldn't be surprised if I'll soon miss those smiles when the page is too long again... *sigh*

The Return

Post 2

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

I agree. Hardly anyone reads journal entries. I know I don't. smiley - smiley
Oops. Sorry about the smiley face.

The Return

Post 3


But you just did... smiley - smiley

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