A Conversation for The Difference Between a Bug and a Virus

Computer viruses: what's your story?

Post 1


In almost ten years of using disks I didn't know where came from, downloading from BBSes and the internet, I've only had one virus.
It was some variant of Form, and it never did any (noticeabely) harm.

Am I just lucky or is the danger of viruses greatly exaggerated by the media?

Computer viruses: what's your story?

Post 2


It seems to me that, no offense to anyone, the people who get viruses are, well, not the wisest owls in the tree. They tend to be the same people who actually believe that they won $10,000,000 because the mailer from PCH says so smiley - smiley

Computer viruses: what's your story?

Post 3

Athon Solo

The risk of getting a virus, until recently at least, has been very low. I've only ever had 2 on my PC, and seen 3 different others. But, with the advance of the Information Age and networking, etc, virii are becoming a bigger risk. Of course companies like AVERT Labs, McAfee and Symantec will try to convince you that the risk of virii is higher than it is. If everyone believed their PC was only gonig to catch 1 or 2 virii in their life, they wouldn't bother spending £30 / $30 every couple of years on a new virus scanner / anti-virus program.

Athon Solo

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Computer viruses: what's your story?

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