This is the Message Centre for silver cloud of lunacy
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Started conversation Apr 10, 2000
Hey, I didn't freak you out with that bitter diatribe of current events in my life, did I? That forum has been kinda quiet!
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Apr 14, 2000
ha! no you didn't at all, i've just been wrapped up in finals and crapola such as that for the last little while. i have had some severe academic writer's block, and i figured that it wasn't fair for me to write stuff on here while the boring research papers got no attention from me. i have also turned into a 2 year old in the process. if the page doesn't load in 4 seconds i kill the browswer and throw a tantrum whipping jars of gerber around my apartment.
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted Apr 17, 2000
Speaking of tantrums, my fiancee added memory to my computer, and screwed up my email in the process. My service provider's non-help line can't figure it out either. 2 weeks I haven't been able to check it! I'm thinking of throwing a tantrum and whipping some (ahem) balls around here!
What are you studying?
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Apr 23, 2000
my boyfriend decided to give me a new hard drive so now i spend all my time on napster (shhhh!!!). if you feel like whipping anything, i suggest some kind of fluffy dessert, since i could reeeeally use the sugar. strawberry mousse never hurt anyone.
i'm studying psychology and philosophy wheee!!!
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted Apr 25, 2000
I use Forte' Agent. You spend a lot of time searching, but you can make requests.
What does somebody studying psy and phil do when they graduate?
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Apr 25, 2000
umm... they get to tell people they're a snooty intellectual and show them the paper to prove it, then spend their days drinking coffee complaining about being unemployed. or in my case, make a stab at something creative, which is what i was meant to do. i'm smart but burnt out over academics, it's not my style. chances are i'll end up somewhere using my writing skills and/or my head full of somewhat useless but very extensive music info
or i'll scare the wee ones with my twisted tales as a children's author. but that could never pay enough on its own. *sigh* oh well i'll figure something out
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted Apr 27, 2000
I understand about academics. I am currently returning to school for the seventh year in a row. People ask me what I do now, and when I say "student", they stare and say "um, still"?
I believe in between motherhood, men, and college, every intelligent and creative impulse has been wrung out of me.
We've been reduced to such !$@%& lately, that we have gotten more laughs out of my son farting than anything else. Which is sad, truly horribly sad!
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted May 8, 2000
well i just finished my 4th year on friday, and i need a break desperately! now i have to get prodded during job interviews and see if i can pull something off to pay rent! wheee!!! as for being wrung dry of all of those things... ouch! i think we're always being drained in some way or another, that's all life is!
are you recording your son's gassiness in some way? because if you think it's funny now, it'll be hilarious in his teen years when you want to embarass him in front of friends... :-o
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted May 10, 2000
We were at the doctor's office today, and he had a particularly bad bout. I didn't know if I should explain to the doctor it wasn't me, or just pretend ignorance! (Well, I don't have to try hard for that.)
I would tape it, but I don't think anything could do it justice!
He has a better palate than most seven year-olds but oh my! I'm considering no more beans and cabbage at this house.
Good luck on your job hunt! Jobs are plentiful here. Well, except jobs with plentiful pay!
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Jun 3, 2000
hey again! well here's my story... i finish my semester with not one call back regarding any of the applications i sent out. so i went... "oh bother... *sigh*... i suppose i will take a few days to nap, then run around offering myself up like some kind of tribal sacrifice item - only instead of dumping myself in volcanic lava i'd be throwing myself into some kind of corporate misery for rent money ". but alas that wasn't to be. after a beer-binge friday, i get a call saturday, for a job interview monday afternoon! i was hired monday evening for a 6 week job arranging a festival (which starts in a few days). the pay is lousy (arts funding around here is ridiculous), the hours are terrible, and i haven't slept for weeks! but at least i can wear a crappy tee-shirt, sweatpants, sneakers, and bloodshot eyes to work without a hassle...
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted Jun 4, 2000
Well, a lot has happened here, too! My fiancee and I qualified for the house!
We were going to rent it to my cousin to pay the bills for a while till we got our stuff together. But, my entire family took a vacation together, and my fiancee kept chanting, "Come on chicken, let's do it" till I finally said ok. We are getting married in August because there is no other time to choose from. We won't close till the end of June. My brother's baby is due in July. My other brother is getting married in September. If we waited till October, that'd be too long to pay bills on an empty house, but not long enough to rent.
So, I have a very old house to remodel, a large wedding to plan, a job to find, and a new schedule of classes to plan because I'm changing my major! All to do in three months! Aaarrgggghhh!
Needless to say, I'm not sleeping well at all!
I'm changing my major to an English degree with a Business minor. I want to be an Editor for a publishing company.(content- not grammatical errors)
So, pop out a few scary children's novels, and send them my way!
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Jun 4, 2000
congratulations on the house and the wedding! wheeee!!! just promise me you won't be one of those people on The Learning Channel on Wedding Story (why are those people always so funny-lookin'? it's always something -- ugly dress, groom looks like he still thinks Billy Ray Cyrus' hair is still in style, bridesmaids wearing lime green with drippy mascara... and another thing: they have wedding story and baby story... i think they should just be realistic and have a divorce story or custody battle story... anyways... ). sounds like you're going to have a hectic three months, and i will turn into madame floo-floo the psychic to tell you how it wil go: i seee.... you will say that you want to drop out of school twice, you will say you don't want to get married anymore at least once, and you'll scream "why didn't we just buy a condo?!" 8 times. you'll also get a great job and publish something by me by october... good luck!
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted Jun 5, 2000
Publishing something for you by October would certainly be a feat! I'm only a Junior!
You are probably right on all counts!
By the way, I love Art festivals! They only suck because I can't afford to buy anything! (Except maybe cheesy hemp bracelets)
My favorite is the Shakespeare festival. All performances are FREE! Just my speed....
Oh, and haven't you learned about bridesmaids dresses, yet? It's revenge for all the crap you had to wear at your friend's weddings! It's an endless cycle of ongoing bad taste!
And, the problem with wedding dresses is Marshmallow is all they make! I'm having a real problem finding a dress! Would you like to see one possible? It's actually a bridesmaids dress.
I'd like something similar, but in a matte material.
I'm having a real problem. The carpet in the church is teal, and the chairs in the reception room are red. Don't ask me who came up with this color combo! Any ideas on how to pull it all together- tastefully?
Weirdos from the US....
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Jun 13, 2000
nice dress! i have no idea how you will deal with that colour combination, except to create a "be as tacky as humanly possible" theme for the whole shindig... teal and red?! maybe if you ask everyone to wear big floppy shoes and dresses with big bustles over their asses they can hide both the floor and the chairs sufficiently enough that neither will be noticable?
Weirdos from the US....
She Who Gratifies Gravity Posted Jun 14, 2000
Well, depending on how long ago you look at the dress, it may not be the same one. They change the dress showcased weekly, I think.
An interior designer had her daughter's wedding there last week. She said the shade of teal would blend like grass. Whenever you are standing on grass, it doesn't clash with your clothes. Same principle....
How's the art show going?
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Weirdos from the US....
- 1: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Apr 10, 2000)
- 2: silver cloud of lunacy (Apr 14, 2000)
- 3: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Apr 17, 2000)
- 4: silver cloud of lunacy (Apr 23, 2000)
- 5: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Apr 25, 2000)
- 6: silver cloud of lunacy (Apr 25, 2000)
- 7: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Apr 27, 2000)
- 8: silver cloud of lunacy (May 8, 2000)
- 9: She Who Gratifies Gravity (May 10, 2000)
- 10: silver cloud of lunacy (Jun 3, 2000)
- 11: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Jun 4, 2000)
- 12: silver cloud of lunacy (Jun 4, 2000)
- 13: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Jun 5, 2000)
- 14: silver cloud of lunacy (Jun 13, 2000)
- 15: She Who Gratifies Gravity (Jun 14, 2000)
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