This is the Message Centre for Alien

The Society...

Post 1


Hi there! I was randomly browsing the Guide and stumbled upon your cry for SCAdians. Well, I'm a fairly new, but fairly active An Tirian. (Always wanted to do something like it, but there was no SCA presence where I hail from.) And I personally applaud and back the idea of an entry or club concerning "hitchhiking" SCA members. Sign me up!

Thought you might like to know that there was a Guide entry on the SCA while we were on the old server, but I don't know if it made the conversion (I can't imagine why it woudn't...) but if it did get lost, well, it wasn't a terrific article. Cloudy and confusing... basically, it was just a big block of unformatted text that just mentioned things about the SCA at random. (I don't know the author personally, but (s)he didn't seem enthralled about hearing from a fellow SCAdian at H2G2.) Hope you can do better... smiley - winkeye

The Society...

Post 2


Hey cool! smiley - biggrin Now that you're here does that mean we should actually start writing the article... smiley - winkeye

You may be a fairly new scadian but I'm a total newbie - I've been in one event ever... You might ask why I'm trying to write this thing... smiley - winkeye But I've been totally absorbed by SCA since Falk LeGrey told be about it and now the two us are probably the most active members in our little group... smiley - winkeye

I did search for SCA but didn't find any entries about it... The author of the entry you're talking about probably hasn't come back yet... But we're aiming to get the article edited when we finally manage to write it... smiley - smiley

The Society...

Post 3

Lord Falk LeGrey

Greetings! smiley - smiley
I'm Falk LeGrey good fellow scadian! smiley - laugh
Since I long time ago met someone from An Tir he had been in the SCA for 18 years. smiley - laugh I'm quite newbie for myself, only the talented 5 years. smiley - laugh Hmm... I guess we have some work doing that article about the "Dream". smiley - smiley

Egill Eiriksson of Nummi
Barony of Aarnimetsä
Kingdom of Drachenwald
phweee! A lot! smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin
And a hurry! smiley - laugh

For the Dream Vivat! smiley - smiley

The Society...

Post 4


Drachenwald? That would mundanely be europe, right? (still trying to commit kingdoms to memory...)

I think the first topic to address would be how to attack such a thing, figureatively speaking. Explaining the society to anyone is both a hard and easy thing, I've found in my limited experience. You can blurt out "it's the Society for Creative Anachronisim" but more than once I've had someone brightly reply "Oh, really? You don't seem like an Anarchist!" (I guess the glow-under-blacklight-pink-dyed streaks I've put in my hair would leave some to speculate that I've gone punk rather than mediaeval...) Or you can say that "Oh, it's a mediaeval recreation club" but then you have to patiently explain that it's not the same thing as "Ren Faire" (been there, done that...) And once you start to explain that you pay homage to kings and queens and belong to a kingdom that isn't recognized by anyone outside the society as even technically existing, they start to back away slowly, and then break into a frenzied run for their lives, shreiking and their arms whipping wildly in the air. (Mundanes. What to do with 'em?)

Cenchrea Brightwood
of the Shire of GlynDwfn,
within the Principality of the Summits,
In the Kingdom of An Tir

The Society...

Post 5


Yep, Europe it is... And Aarnimetsä is mundanely known as Finland... smiley - smiley

Running away screaming after hearing about the society - sounds familiar... smiley - winkeye But it is possible to explain somehow - me and Egill have even managed to brainwash some new members... And of course Egill brainwashed me... smiley - winkeye

Elena verch Kevenard
(if everyone else is putting their whole names here too... smiley - tongueout)

The Society...

Post 6


It seems that certain people are predisposed to the society; I know I was. I was a ren faire coordinator (lackey, you may say) at my highschool in Hawaii (my island was not technically part of the "known world", but is near a part of Caid) and I quickly got frustrated with the thought of all that work (6 months or so) for one stupid day of ren faire (and it didn't even go over that well with the student body). Avid fantasy readers and aspiring costumers also seem to be partial to the idea of such a thing. Everyone else (except for little kids, who think it's cool that our parents let US go out in our dress-up clothes) seems to be a little suspicious of thge SCA. (maybe for good reason, supposedly we are the biggest armed force in the USA, outside of the US military...)

The Society...

Post 7


It seems to me that some people just aren't crazy enough for SCA... The ones who think it's *weird* to pretend living in middle ages... smiley - tongueout Probably they just lack imagination...

*smiley - laughs at the last comment*
Do you fight, btw?

The Society...

Post 8


I've been involved in the fairly active rapier branch of this shire. I'm nowhere close to tournament-level good, but I'm having fun in the meantime. smiley - biggrin ...You?

(Supposedly the US Federal Beaureau of Investigation keeps tabs on the SCA here, as well as who the kings & queens are, the outcome of 'wars', etc. My freinds and I had a good chuckle when we heard about that one. The US government is incredibly paranoid sometimes, it seems.)

The Society...

Post 9


I don't fight but Egill does when he gets the chance... I don't think fighting's really my thing... smiley - tongueout

Hmm... Maybe you should have a revolution or something, just to give them some reason for their paranoia... smiley - winkeye

The Society...

Post 10

God's Gift to Women

Perhaps I shall foment that revolt at the next Pennsic War. Nay, a crusade. A holy crusade. We shall conquer the infidels and I shall be your king - nay, emperor. Live live me! smiley - biggrin

(I guess this'll go into my FBI file under "dissident behavior".)

The Society...

Post 11

Lord Falk LeGrey

Hmm.. My brainwash crusade will have an awfully horrific end when SUPO (Finnish Intelligence) catches me... smiley - winkeye Well well, FBI wants to catch people... Hmm.. Maybe Europol wants to catch Elffin? smiley - laugh No he is too good fighter. smiley - winkeye *sorry just talking about our crown prince who won the tourney for the fourth time...* smiley - laugh
People are really suspicious about this medieval things. Everyone thinks that we are part of a satanic clan or worse.. *heh heh* smiley - devilsmiley - laugh But well, call us if someone tries to catch you... smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin *we handle small but functional time machine* smiley - winkeye

The Society...

Post 12


..But wouldn't YOU be paranoid if you were an undercover agent (easily identified by you're really tacky, rented garb) at a major camping event, and in the middle of the night you heard about 100 or so dubiously sober/sane people all simultaniously yell "MacIntyre!!!!" in the middle of the night?

The Society...

Post 13

Lord Falk LeGrey

smiley - laugh
Hehee, that would be a good way to extermite whole Society. Hmm.. What about the headlines? "FBI agent shout to def at SCA event.." Next articles are about saving our children etc... smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin We have a event next month. Hmm... Poor children. smiley - winkeye

The Society...

Post 14


He he he. We have a huge event coming up next month, too: Egils. Big camping event & Tourney. I'm going home to Hawaii over the summer, so I can't go to the biggest An Tirian event: West War. It's supoposed to be HUGE, and a lot of fun. smiley - sadface
Gwen, a higher-up in the society (that's only a couple of years older than I) explained the ins and outs of being a water-bearer at a war. The three things to remember are the three P's that you are likely to get: Proposals, Propositions, and Party invitations.
Concerning proposals: Don't buy it, they're probably already married.
Concerning propositions: Don't buy it, they're probably already married.
Concerning parties: Take careful note of what encampment they're in.
Also, you can supposedly judge how hot of a day it is by the frequency at which you recieve these three P's. On a really hot day, you can get at least a dozen proposals and hour, many more flowery propositions, and a helluva lot of party invitations. (or so they say) Also, beyond the three P's, shameless flattery runs rampant. You'll hear things like "My dearest fair lady, from whom spingtime itself seems to burst forth from, and whom the moon is shamed by, by thy radient lovelyness! Hark! The sun hides it's face in shame before such exhalted brightness that is thine eye! ...May I have a drink?" Waterbearing: the perfect pick-you-up when you feel unpretty.

The Society...

Post 15



I am another Scadian on the net, located in the great Kingdom of Ealdormere. I've been active for about 3 or 4 years now and still a page! I hope to begin fighting soon so I can become a squire.

The Society...

Post 16


Hullo 007! C'mon board! smiley - sadface Oh, dear. Where is Ealdormere, mundanely? *Cenchrea once again scolds herself for not commiting kingdoms to memory...*

The Society...

Post 17

Lord Falk LeGrey

Uh, you heard about the new kingdom? smiley - smiley Australia has joined the kingdoms. smiley - smiley We have a small event next week here in Finland. I and Alien are going there, hopefully we can fit ourselves in the small car with three other people... smiley - laughsmiley - loveblush But well, it is a SCA event anyway... smiley - winkeye

The Society...

Post 18


Only three other people? Where's your sense of adventure? (As for myself and four of my freinds, we are planning on going to a big camping event a coupla hours away in a classic VW bug. Along for the ride will be: our garb, our (rather large) tent, a cooler that will not fit in the trunk, every food thing that does not need to be in the cooler, everything else we need to make a decent campsite (i.e. lanterns, picnic-type blankets, cooking/eating/serving utensils, etc.) and of course, the four of us! (luckily, we are all REALLY good freinds!) )

The Society...

Post 19


Ealdormere is located in Ontario, Canada. On your map of the world, we are located between Hudson's bay and the great lakes.

The Society...

Post 20

Wee Willie

From the great land up over (have a look at a properly orientated Knowne World Map =-p). YES it's true is to be the 16th(17th?) kingdom of the knowne worlde Woohooo!

P.S. Can't anyone please tell me how to insert the really cool little smiley type icons into messages?

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