This is the Message Centre for nillion42

I'm Back

Post 1


Well, I'm back, although I don't have an exscuse for being gone about 2 months. And I don't have an exscuse for not posting in 50 weeks. Anyway, I am back and I will try to stay back and an active member of H2G2. Here in Cody Wyoming today, it is rathar hot. I'm not sure how hot but hot enough to give you an irrational desire to buy every single thing of ice cream at the Supermarket and eat it all. I think you get the idea. Not much is going on, I'm working on an entry for my town Cody Wyoming in general as well as the places to go and things to do. Do you think I should make one big entry or make a bunch of little ones?

Hold onto your towel smiley - smiley

I'm Back

Post 2


Hi nillion42 smiley - smiley

Here's my answer to your question: try writing a longer entry to begin with, & see how long it turns out to be. If its very long, & it falls into neat sections, then you may want to split it some smiley - smiley

But that's just my opinion... smiley - bigeyes


I'm Back

Post 3


Thanks for the suggestion smiley - smiley I was leaning towards that anyway but now I will definatly do what you suggest smiley - tongueout


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