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That's what I thought
Hairy-legs Started conversation Jan 2, 2001
I thought that was the question but someone told me that six by nine was 54, so it must be six by eight.
I agree
Great Green Arkleseizure Posted Jan 9, 2002
unfortunately, 6 by eight is 48, so it must be six by seven
6 times 9 IS 42
Researcher 195209 Posted May 26, 2002
As long as you are working in base 13, multiplying 6 times 9 will result in 42.
6 times 9 IS 42
thakil Posted Jun 14, 2002
Thats not the question!
The question is "Which number is Stavo's lumabeta's?"
I refer to Mostly Harmless.
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That's what I thought
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