This is the Message Centre for Saxmachine

Saxmachine!! hi!

Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

hey! whats up? ford here.. hahaha
so whatcha doin? anything you need help with? sorry about the LOOONG reply on myspace! haha i get all.. WEENESS about marching band smiley - smiley
fordsmiley - cheers

Saxmachine!! hi!

Post 2


OK, well for starters, could you explain how you found me and how you began a conversation with me.

Then we could move onto more complex things, like what the letters WEENESS mean when put together like that.
(I hesitate to use the word "word" as it seems unlikely in this circumstance!)

The most important thing though, would be how you use the smileys!


Saxmachine!! hi!

Post 3

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

well i found you by typing your name into the search thingy.. and then - like if you go to my site- you see messages above my journal entries, you click on more messages ... then scroll down and click leave a message

if you want to find other people you can go to your little pannel on the left of your screen and click 'whoes online' and you can talk to ppl and leave them messages

weeness? hahaha thats a word :P oh! improbability drive kicked in! WOOT!
so woot and weeness are just like weird sayings.. ya know?
woot is a sound ppl make when theyre happy
and weeness is a state of wee... like. yeah.. hah ive never had to define weeness before! haha

smileys! go to smiley central...

and copy the smileys in the form of
that’s what I use for my ‘signature’

if you want to get into discution forums... you can go to my site and click on my conversations... or go to askh2g2 or some weird forum place around here smiley - smiley

fordsmiley - cheers

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