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Manic Panic After Midnight Blue Hair Dye and its Effects on Strangers.

Post 1


I utilized Manic Panic After Midnight blue hair dye last thursday night to dye my hair blue. First I had to bleach my hair (it being naturally a shade of dark brown) using Tish & Snooky's Flash Lightening product. The smell from the bleaching process almost knocked us out, but it worked well. After about an hour and a half we rinsed out the bleach and commenced the dying. We ended up using a full bottle of the After Midnight dye gel in two applications, since the first application didn't leave the hair dark enough blue.

I find that everyone now looks at me twice. This wasn't really my motivation for dying my hair blue, but it does make sense that people will look twice at anyone who has blue hair.

I love the color and would recommend it to anyone looking for some instant style gratification.

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Manic Panic After Midnight Blue Hair Dye and its Effects on Strangers.

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