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Thanks (and a question)
Grace Started conversation Jul 22, 2002
Thanks very much for the welcome, Timelord. I'm a grad student who came to find out how to put two older (G3 I think) Macintoshes together in order to make a bigger, faster one for digitizing analog video-- or if that is even possible. But I am not sure where best to post the question here.
Today I was reading The Salmon of Doubt in order to take my mind off the problem of professors wanting me to do things I don't know how to do yet, and learned about this site there. Seems like a place, thought I to myself, where someone might know how to help a damsel in distress!
Have you any advice for me?
Yours truly,
[email protected]
Thanks (and a question)
TIMELORD Posted Jul 22, 2002
I am not much good with computers but i will find a man who is and ask him/her/it* the Guru's are the brains around here you can find them here
*Its that kind of site
Thanks (and a question)
Grace Posted Jul 22, 2002
Thanks for doing that for me Timelord. I wouldn't know which Guru to ask... or if I am even asking it in a way that makes sense. You are exceedingly righteous and good shall surely follow you! Elizabeth
Thanks (and a question)
TIMELORD Posted Jul 23, 2002
Amy the Ant is one of the best very friendly and helpful so she should be able to sort you out but any of the Guru's would be helpful with this type of question.
Thanks (and a question)
Grace Posted Jul 26, 2002
Amy the Ant answered, and she is such a good writer that I was able to fully understand her as well. Thank you very very much.
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