This is the Message Centre for Gordon


Post 1


well, have i got a link for you smiley - smiley.... this is the homepage for the Aces, a lovely group of researchers who just love to help researchers learn about this site smiley - smiley if you need any advice or have any questions feel free to either ask myself or any of the Aces that you will see on the link i gave you smiley - smiley...
also, feel free to join us in any of the forums you happen across in your travels, we enjoy seeing new researchers and having them join us in our conversations smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 2


Thanks for the tips, I'm off to follow the link now.


Post 3


Great! if i can be of any help just let me know smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

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