This is the Message Centre for Austin Allegro

Message from a sub

Post 1



I've been given your "Magic Roundabout" article to edit in my latest batch. I just wanted to ask if you would mind if I add a few of the comments made in the forums, perticularly the "man-made black hole" one. I myself live about 20 minutes from Hemel, and have been round that monstrosity numerous times. Spot on. smiley - smiley

Message from a sub

Post 2

Austin Allegro

Yep, sure no probs.

I'm glad you liked the article, and i'd just be glad to get my first approved article on H2G2 (OK, so i've only written 2 so far, and one of them doesn't qualify, but even so...!)

AA smiley - smiley

Message from a sub

Post 3


Well I intend to accept it, but the articles do get vetted by the editorial staff too. But I think its a good one. smiley - smiley

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