A Conversation for Tooth Fairy

evil drink?

Post 1


please explain.. would this be the same drink that people intentionally kill brain cells with?

evil drink?

Post 2


yeast excretement!

evil drink?

Post 3


So...how does one tell which drink is evil, and which is ok??? I mean..I've found most drink is ok-once u get to
know it?? (hic)

evil drink?

Post 4


No I have to disagree, I got to know something called Everclear, I certainly don't think this is a friendly brew. Sitting at its proof of 190 it is probably the most anti-social creation of alcohol made. I have to say that unknowingly drinking a straight shot is the worlds worst way to celebrate ones coming of drinking age, they told me it was Vodka. I actualy know people that use this surgical grade alcohol for mixed drinks, ignoring the label that includes the warnings caution extremely flammable and Do not mix with any other alcoholic beverages.

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