A Conversation for Lizards


Post 1

Jonny Zoom

Lizards are beautiful, noble, gentle creatures, much underestimated and misunderstood.


Post 2

Doug Dastardly

If they can't be bothered to learn a language then what do they expect?


Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Beautiful maybe; but when was the last time you saw a lizard give up it's seat on a bus?


Post 4

Doug Dastardly

Well you're right John, hardly ever, but then again, they are normally driving!


Post 5

Researcher 40484

dear people,
if it werent for the lizard, we would have had no lizard king!!! that makes the lizard a truly amazing animal on this mostly harmless planet!!!


Post 6


One Aussie lizard has anti-freeze in its blood. Better than Castlemaine xxxx I suppose.


Post 7

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Why does an Australian lizard need anti-freeze in it's blood?


Post 8


So that if it's going for a drive on a very cold day it has a ready supply to feed it's car with. This can be proved by the fact that Antifreeze is very rare in the bloodstreams of bus-riding species.


Post 9


I recently went on holiday and saw a very large lizard and a lot of very small lizards.
Lots of very small lizards live in the rooms in Bali, where I was, and they eat mosquitoes, which is good, and sometimes, if you're very good, they'll crawl onto your finger, and try to eat that as well.


Post 10

Jonny Zoom

ahhh, that's lovely. Lizards are lovely creatures. Lizards and cats.


Post 11

Researcher 59778

For a humorous and accurate description of Komodo Dragons, the largest lizards on the planet, read Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine. It's about Douglas and Mark's travels to view endangered species around the world.

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