This is the Message Centre for Evil Jeff
GreeboTCat Started conversation Feb 7, 2000
Opppsss... ~grin~... sorry about that... just tripped over a couple of those empty boxes you have littering your forum... ~another grin~... must be what you used to move in with... ~Greebo sniffs empty boxes~... Hmmm... no doughnuts me see's... you better do something about that... ~grin~... everybody on h2g2 has to stock doughnuts... its in the rules... ~wide eyed grin~... honestly...
Evil Jeff Posted Feb 7, 2000
Hello. You seem to know your way around here. Could you possibly tell me why my GuideML isn't working for me? All I want to do is section off my links on my page and maybe put some pictures on it. Can you help me?
GreeboTCat Posted Feb 7, 2000
Try having a look at this page on h2g2... me thinks it might answer a few of your questions... like how to get links to work and add pictures to your homepgae... ~smile~
If that still doesn't work... me will try and help you out... ok...
Evil Jeff Posted Feb 7, 2000
Hey. That address you gave me is where I was trying to get my code from. I was doing the copy/paste thing and it wouldn't work. I copy it to my edit page and change the parts it says to change but it doesn't work. I've tried updating it as GuideML and HTML but it won't work.
I also am having trouble figuring out how to put pictures on my page. I want to put pictures from my hard drive on my site. Do you know how to do that?
Any help you could give me would be great. Thanks.
GreeboTCat Posted Feb 8, 2000
Oh deary me... you are having troubles... ~grin~
Me not that expert but me will tell you what me knows... ~another grin~
Me not understand why your copy and paste does not work... but try this way... copy the line of text as usual... but instead of pasting it where you want it to go... put your curser in the position you want the text to go and press (CTRL + V)... ~hopeful grin~... see if that way works... ~fingers crossed~
Hmmm... as to the picture from your hard drive... you can't just put a picture on a page on the net from your hard drive... it has to be uploaded to a web page first... if you understand... if you had a file called say ... Greebo.gif... and you wanted it on your page... you would have to upload it to web page form so the webpage you are posting it to can get it off the net... it can't get it directly from your hard drive...
Hope you understand what me means... ~smile~
GreeboTCat Posted Feb 10, 2000
Do you have your own web page??? Cause if you have uploaded your pictures there... then you will have already posted them on the net... if not then go to here...
Its an online auction room by clarecraft... but they do have a facility for uploading pictures onto the net... if you are sneaky you can pretend you have something to auction... upload your picture and then get out... ~grin~... you have to register with them though... but you DO NOT have to put anything up for auction... have a look and see what you think...
Evil Jeff Posted Feb 10, 2000
Thanks for the advice. So all I need is for a picture to be on the internet? What if it isn't posted on my site? Can I just have it in my base directory on my server or does it have to be showing on my page?
GreeboTCat Posted Feb 11, 2000
No its doesn't have to be on your page... ~grin~... as long as its stored in you webstie server it should be fine...
Evil Jeff Posted Feb 12, 2000
Hey, about 5 days ago I submitted an entry and haven't heard back. Does that mean it isn't approved or does that mean that I should wait longer? How long does it take them to decide if an article is approved on average?
GreeboTCat Posted Feb 12, 2000
Hmmm... they say good things happen to he who waits... ~grin~... and me thinks you have a little longer to wait... me submitted something 9 weeks ago and am still awaiting to see if it will be accepted... me has heard that the waiting time is about 13 to 14 weeks... me has learnt to knit... and made three jumpers, 14 pairs of socks and a scark for my good chum Wilson in the time me has waited... ~sarcastic grin~
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: GreeboTCat (Feb 7, 2000)
- 2: Evil Jeff (Feb 7, 2000)
- 3: GreeboTCat (Feb 7, 2000)
- 4: Evil Jeff (Feb 7, 2000)
- 5: GreeboTCat (Feb 8, 2000)
- 6: Evil Jeff (Feb 10, 2000)
- 7: GreeboTCat (Feb 10, 2000)
- 8: Evil Jeff (Feb 10, 2000)
- 9: GreeboTCat (Feb 11, 2000)
- 10: Evil Jeff (Feb 12, 2000)
- 11: GreeboTCat (Feb 12, 2000)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."