A Conversation for Imagery and Neil Gaiman


Post 41

Pat La Mouche

Well, let's make people read some more!
For those who liked "Neverwhere" (all those who've read it, I suppose), try out "King Rat" by China MiƩville: it's like a more modern take on the same subject, but a lot darker. And there's a lot more music in it, but I'm NOT going to explain this.
And another one is "House Of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski. In a way (but a completely different and very strange way), it's also about a parallel hidden world.
Have fun... (I always have when I'm reading.)


Post 42

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I've read House of Leaves and absolutely loved it. I'll have to take a look at King Rat now. Thanks for the recommendations! smiley - smiley

Has anyone heard anything new on Old Gods? I continue haunting bookstores, both real and virtual, but haven't found anything out... smiley - sadface



Post 43

Pat La Mouche

No news on "New Gods", but I DID find some other news on "http://www.holycow.com/dreaming/" (which I found via the SF-site, that is "www.sfsite.com") I copied the news, so here it is: ------------------------- The Confessions of William Henry Ireland Posted by lucy_anne at 8:04 AM PST | Comments (0) From Daily Variety (November 2, 2000) Gaiman adds helming to list of 'Confessions' by Claude Brodesser Novelist and comic book scribe Neil Gaiman is expanding his foray onto the bigscreen, inking a deal with Miramax Films to pen and helm the true story "The Confessions of William Henry Ireland." Gaiman, author of the macabre DC Comics franchise "Sandman," which is being turned into a pic at Warner Bros., is also adapting his bestselling novel "Stardust" for Miramax/Dimension, and penned the English-lingo script of "Princess Mononoke" for Miramax. "Confessions" is a "Ferris Bueller"-like romp set in the 18th century, and follows the exploits of an ill-regarded teenager-turned-literary-forger of "lost" Shakespeare works. The lad undertakes the elaborate hoax to please his unloving dad, but things snowball and he unwittingly ruins his father's reputation when his "discovered" Shakespeare play is staged by dad --- and is a flop. Modern resonance Gaiman says that despite being set 300 years ago, the "themes of this story are so utterly contemporary that it's going to be a delight to write." Pic will be produced by Kevin Messick, who is also producing the Dimension pic "Closers" with Penelope Spheeris at the helm. "Confessions" will be co-produced by Ethan Gross. Miramax veepee Amy Slotnick will oversee its development. Gaiman is repped by CAA and by attorney Melanie Cook at Bloom, Hergott, Cook, Diemer & Klein. University of Delaware maintains a collection of works about and including Shakespeare forgeries; they also maintain a webpage that goes on at great length about William Henry Ireland's attempt. ----------------------------------------- Well, it IS some news (except that I don't care who is attorney for whom, and stuff like that)... And any time Gaiman touches anything to do with Shakespeare, it turns out wonderful.


Post 44

foul fiend

Well well, that does sound good. So do "rat king' and "house of leaves" but seeing as Israel is not part of the "english speaking world" I'll have trouble getting my hands on them.
I have to say, I don't think I would've liked "a midsummers night dream" half as much without reading the comic. I'm amazed at what shakespeare did with the language but I find his storylines (those I'm familiar with) a bit simple and lacking the kind of insight that makes me like authors like gaiman so much.


Post 45

Pat La Mouche

About "the English speaking part" of the world: that goes only for real bookstores, on-line you can get your hands on (almost) anyrthing... I bought "King Rat" and "House Of Leaves" both in on-line bookstores, and I tend to do this more and more often. The problem (not really a problem, more a financial burden) is that I do this on top of my "normal" book-buying, and I read even more now rhan before.
Luckily I don't need much sleep...

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