This is the Message Centre for J Murphy

G'day Jason

Post 1

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

G'day Jason, I am a researcher from sunny New Zealand who is one of the h2g2 ACEs. Our job is to welcome new people to h2g2 and offer assistance. You will find some good links to various parts of h2g2 from the front page.

If you need help just ask in this forum and I, or other researchers, will try to help. Here have a fish smiley - fish


G'day Jason

Post 2

J Murphy

Thanks for the fish!

I appreciate the welcome to the guide... And I'm working on a submission already... if you run across it take a look and give me some feedback as a rookie researcher.

BTW? What are the ACEs?

J Murphy

G'day Jason

Post 3

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

ACE's are volunteer Assistant Community Editors. We help the Community editor, Peta, in making h2g2 a friendly, welcoming, place.

I will keep an eye out for your yarn. It normally takes about 13 weeks before a submitted article finds its way to a sub-editors desk.

A few handy hints in what a good article should be like can be found from my page. Click on the link called "A guide to h2g2 rejection". You can get to my page by clicking on my name.


Hiya Jason!

Post 4


I'm also an ACE, and I wanted to make sure to drop by and give a nice big welcome as well. smiley - smiley As you can see, there always seems to be people about that you can bug anytime you want for help...or just conversation.

I wanted to give you a little link you might find useful: That's the official ACE Homepage where you'll find lots more of us ACEs lurking about, in addition to helpful information about the Guide and lots of links to fun and interesting sites found on H2G2. And you can always click on the "Don't Panic" button, found at the top of any page, if you need help building your User Page, using GuideML or navigating this place. smiley - winkeye

Most of all, have lots of fun! We're so glad you joined our community.

Best of luck smiley - smiley
Amanda ;P

Hiya Jason!

Post 5


I'm not an ACE, am I allowed to welcome?

Ahh screw the rules.

Welcome to H2G2!

And why didn't I get a fish!?

Hiya Jason!

Post 6

J Murphy

Hey WebRunner... Don't worry you should have gotten a fish with your first welcome... if not... smiley - fish there ya go! you only need the one.. just stick it in your ear and he'll trnslate... and No you don't have to be an ACE to welcome me... I like the cordial welcome from anybody!

J Murphy

Hiya Jason!

Post 7


I don't have a capital R=)

But I do have a researcher page, so U110494 if you want to see it.

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