This is the Message Centre for Patrick A Reid

hello Patrick

Post 1


just popping in to snoop about your page and see what you have hiding in the corners smiley - winkeye
well, that and i wanted to say hello and let you know that if you need any help around here feel free to ask me or if i happen to not be online you can go here... and you will find many helpful items and people (the Aces) who just can't wait to be of help smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

hello Patrick

Post 2

Patrick A Reid

Thankyou for your message, Monsy. Twas much appreciated.

This site seems to be designed for people who have much more time to spend online than I do! It's REALLY GREAT, and really frustrating when you have to leave. I'll get around to prettying up my space one of these days, really I will. Honest.

At last. Hitchhiker lives. The dream has arrived.


hello Patrick

Post 3


yes, this site can be a bit addictive causing many researchers to spend more time than they should on it smiley - smiley the nice thing is everything that is here will always be here so you can view it at your leisure and not worry that you will miss something smiley - smiley
enjoy and i hope to see you around soon smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

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