This is the Message Centre for Monkey Boy

Hello Ali Babe

Post 61

Monkey Boy

cool babe, very cool,
Can I give you some advice? (I'm gonna anyway)
"please, whatever you do don't get into any arguements about this with dwayne" "I guess he loves you and that kind of thing is hard to come by in our world" "only talk calmly about it, never raise your voice and let love settle the waters"

I'm still here only because you seemed so sad at my leaving. thanks.. your sadness made me realise that the love I give to people can make a difference to them. Thanks

I'll try and chat tomorrow


Hello Ali Babe

Post 62

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Thank you for your advise. You are very wise. (I know that rhymessmiley - winkeyesort of) I'm wishing my hotmail got through. I needed an @ in the address , otherwise the server rejectd me (!). If my e-mail goes through, life is right. What is your birthdate?smiley - smiley Smiles all around. *hugs&kisses* smiley - smiley

Hello Ali Babe

Post 63

Monkey Boy

25/07/76. that makes me almost 24. I grew up in the eighties and nineties, (the age of bad music and worse clothes) When you need an @ in the address I guess you could try [email protected]. use your browser to search for free e-mail sites.

Take care and keep on loving


Hello Ali Babe

Post 64

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi Sweetie. Missed everything today. I'll be 28 on April 16. I'll see you tomorrow.

Hello Ali Babe

Post 65

Monkey Boy

Hi Ali Babe.

I'm off hunting for some free email sites for you. I'll leave the links for you.
Better go and do some work now.


Hello Ali Babe

Post 66

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi MB, I got your special delivery. I see the party is on the top 5 list today. I think I'll drop by the beer pool and drop off some blue stuff. Maybe there will be some new visitors. I'll pop in here to see you. Keep on loving.smiley - winkeye Ali

Hello Ali Babe

Post 67

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi again. I visited the party, which has moved to a carival pier. Everyone's in the House of Horrors. See you soon.smiley - smileyAli

Hello Ali Babe

Post 68

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi. The carnival pier is on the busiest forums again. I like the way it's going. No one has ventured after us, but I think some will. What are you up to this weekend? I talked to my folks last night. They are having a fabulous time. The house they've rented is Beautiful. It even has an indoor pool. See you soon, I hope.smiley - smiley

Hello Ali Babe

Post 69

Monkey Boy

I'm off to amsterdam in a couple of hours to visit one of my friends. I'm gonna be riding round on a motorbike with Paul all weekend. Should be fun!!

I'll drop you a line when i get back.


Hello Ali Babe

Post 70

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

It sounds like a wonderful weekend. We are getting so close, I worry about an ambush. Please be extra careful. I'm going back to the cavern. It's heaven there. I want to bask in the love. I knew Nonnie would join us.smiley - smiley

Hello Ali Babe

Post 71

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi Babe. How was your weekend?smiley - smiley

Hello Ali Babe

Post 72

Monkey Boy

The weekend wes great. I actually found some real bottles love in a shop over there. ( not quite the kind of think i was expecting it to be though) It was in a green bottle and tasted of mint. Apparently it made you irresistable to the opposite sex. What did you get up to , how is the cavern looking, Did you talk to the unicorns any more??

Take care my precious, I'm off for a ramble



Hello Ali Babe

Post 73

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

You are already irresistable.smiley - smiley Well, we brought love to the whole earth on Friday. I really felt the love vibe in that cavern. I found some old (42 weeks ago) forums and dropped off cases of blue bottles and love powder. Are you having good weather there?

Hello Ali Babe

Post 74

Monkey Boy

The sun is hiding today. i guess it will come out again when it's ready. I quite like the rain, my birds hate it though so it's in the loft for them today. I'll be working till midnight today but I'm doing most of it from home. I'll be more lively tomorrow.


Hello Ali Babe

Post 75

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Life has become wonderful. This weekend was great. Every song I heard seemed to be talking about me. I had the radio turned up so I could hear it from outside. I didn't even have to wear a coat.. We had a nice bonfire with the branches that fell during the winter. One of my neighbours joined me for a beer. She has a poodle named Snowball. I'm off for now. Talk to you later. *hug, kiss*

Hello Ali Babe

Post 76

Monkey Boy

I'm ill today, came into work to say hello. I'm going home in a minute though. (don't feal very good at all) need my bed and lots of sleep I think. Hope you mail me soon with your life story.


Hello Ali Babe

Post 77

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I don't know what to say to you. The words are swirling in my brain. The love vibes are so strong. I hope you are feeling better. I've got so many messages, I don't know where to start. Tell me about your childhood. Was it happy? Was there enough love? Any pets? Come talk to me. I love us.smiley - smiley * big bear hug, kiss.*
Best love,
Ali smiley - smiley

Hello Ali Babe

Post 78

Monkey Boy

Hi babe,
Childhood was a mixture of pleasure and pain for me. I'll tell you more via mail. Pets never really came into the picture except for a dog called Rory and a couple of fish called eric & Erni.

I feal much better today. I guess I just needed some sleep and relaxation. I'm off to spread the love. Take care Alibabe,

Hello Ali Babe

Post 79

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

My childhood was idyllic. I have the perfect Father.smiley - smiley I'm off to the love vibe forum to see if we have anyone looking for LOVE. I'm expecting a landslide soon.smiley - smiley Talk to you later, Babe. Love, Alismiley - smiley

Hello Ali Babe

Post 80

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi King (of Love, of course),
We did it, Baby. I know you're very bussy today. I can feal you in me. It feels sooooo gooood. smiley - smiley Please come tonight.
*Hugs and Kisses*
Best Love Always,
Allisonsmiley - smiley

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