This is the Message Centre for Jammm

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 1

Blood Angel

I go there and a sign comes up with miss piggy.I click it and the rules and details of regulars come up where do i go from there.I checked the hall of fame.

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 2

Blood Angel

I don't have ICQ and i still can't get to your chatroom.Do you have microsoft comic chat?

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 3

Blood Angel

I will probably get IRC and ICQ next weekend as i am going away on tuesday and get back Friday.Also could you explain in more detail what IRC and ICQ are.
Mean while why not check out Chatway at I can usually be found in chatzone but take a look round using Full client.If you want to that is.

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 4

Blood Angel

Not chataway,it's chatway.I'm Blood Angel in there.I'm there right now
PLEASE turn up

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 5

Blood Angel

Hi,just letting u know i won't be around this weak(exams).Maybe speak 2 u on saturday.

Catch ya later B.Angel

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 6

Blood Angel

Hi, I'm around today so check chatparty.I'll be in there some time.
Catch ya later!

P.S.Exams over!

HELP!!!!!!!!! URGENT

Post 7

Blood Angel

Sorry I've not been around latly but i'm back now.Hopefully speak to you soon

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