This is the Message Centre for Mordek93

Hello Mordek93

Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I don't know if the universe *is* music, but the universe would be much worse off without music.......

Hello Mordek 93 smiley - smiley Welcome to h2g2! I am one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) that have volunteered to help greet new researchers. If you need any help finding your way around this rather large community, or just need someone to chat with, the ACEs are all ready to help out. Please feel free to stop by our homepage:
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Hello TVF

Post 2


Thank you very much for responding to my short missive! Having read the original Douglas Adams radio scripts quite long ago, I rather suspected that this might actually be a site with people worth listening to. And you are quite right, existence would be rather pointless without music to bring that certain cohesion that lies within our tribal memories.
I am what you call a "newbie" who is still exploring the possibilities of the internet, but it seems entirely possible that I may have fortuitously chanced upon a site at which there may be people who think.
My comments (essentially about music being GOD) are just a simple extension of partical physics into Shinto understanding, spiced perhaps with a pinch of quantam mechanics and a teaspoon of Cherokee shaman lore. But I think that the recipe only achieves perfection when stirred with a Zen master's 2x4.
love is the law,

Hello TVF

Post 3

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Wow......I think you'll fit in here nicely!

Hello TVF

Post 4


Thank you VERY much for your kindness, but it remans to be seen whether any of the other participants are interested in taking the Parmidean concepts into the twentyfirst century (with its quantam mechanics and shinto} to discover the joy that Douglas Adams has found in nonlinear thinking.
I do rather hope to see someone take an interest in the discussion, but what is is, and what ain't, ain't!
Love is the law,
Mordek 93

Hello TVF

Post 5

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

This is true.......and I'm probably not the one to engage you in this kind of discussion. However, I will mention this to the other aces.......

Hello TVF

Post 6


Hey Mordek the mannie you want to be talking to is Twophlag Gargleblap smiley - smiley This man is really on the ball for that kind of stuff smiley - smiley His homepage is You definatly want to read some of his entries.
BCNU - Crescent

Hello TVF

Post 7


Again, mnoga spasiba for your kindness in welcoming me, but I fail to see why anyone should disqualify themselves from any discussion, no matter how out (if you don't listen to Ornett Coleman, you will never understand the structure in which he is not "out".)
I digress a bit occasionally, but despite the basis of any connection with a concept, sometimes the least connected interaction will provide an intuitive connection overlooked by those too rigidly involved with the concept themselves. After all, even though chocolate pudding is great for your love life, when was the last time you conversed with a chocolate pudding that had a love life of its own?
Incidentally, please pardon my hasty misspelling of "Parminidian" in my last entry.
Love is th law,
Mordek 93

Hello TVF

Post 8


Serendipity is another mannie that you should speak to smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Hello TVF

Post 9

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

*head spins*

Hello TVF

Post 10


Goferit. Twirlies are always good for your grounding!

Thanx Crescent

Post 11


You seem to be rather adept at seeing through the percieved realities yourself. I appreciate the links you have suggested, both seem to have concepts worth pursuing.
Love is the law,
postscriptum: I meet myself every morning, it is quite pleasant to meet others whenever possible.

Hello TVF

Post 12

J Murphy

TVF... Having read the original radio scripts. I would like to propose the number 42 in a different light.

Adams said that the Dent(ish) interpretaion of the ANSWER was 42. However we know that this is a flawed answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.

Perhaps the real ANSWER was... 4/2 As in a 4 count half note signature in the melody of existance...

J Murphy

Hello TVF

Post 13

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Any thoughts on this Mordek?

Hello TVF

Post 14


I quite like your turn of mind. It is a brilliant insight to transliterate the radio "42" into the staff 4/2!
I am truely sorry that it took me so long to reply to your insight, but a week and half ago my Powermac's motherboard was fried (along with the moniter's circuitry) by some element I have yet to trace down. I rather suspect a site that I chose as a good deed replacement for my silly screen savers, but that will require further investigation. I have rectified the situation by purchasing another Mac, and would appreciate any further extrapolation you might have on this theme.
Mordek 93

Hello TVF

Post 15

J Murphy

I give your old powermac it's due moment of silence... for it probably served well then many another machine would have gone boink.

I guess the whole transliteration of 42 to 4/2 came from a conversation I was having with my room mate here at college. HE is a music major, and out of the clear blue he said that something was so absurd that it was running on 4/2 time. (You see musically 4 2 time is equal to 4/4 which is standard. The only difference is it is much more slow and methodical.) Therefore, I figured if anything when one takes things into perspective, Life the universe and everything is rather methodical and slow. Ask a tree. Therefore I applied it to the majick number of 42 and got the theory. I was quite proud of myself I must say...

J Murphy.

Hello J Murphy

Post 16


Love is the law,
You are a very intuitive person from what I've heard you say, by the way, have you ever talked to a tree? Very old oaks are the wisest.
The 4/3 for polka and salsa are also quite good, but you are correct that 4/2 defines a bottom line for occidental music.
We can't constrain ourselves to just the occidental, though, can we. The music of the mind is always present, whether it be Dire Straits, The Incredible Shrinking Dickies, Thelonius Monk, Bach, Shostakovich or even Ludwig. The mind always needs freedom to grow, to develop in the rythm that rattles thoughts out of it. The Arabic Zenya to Hendrix to Metallica to Ornette Coleman.
Strangly enough, all music enables your mind in a different direction, and as linear thought is damnation, music can be salvation.
By the way, your use of the word "magick" rather makes me wonder how you would respond to the closing...
Love under will,

Hello J Murphy

Post 17

J Murphy

Mordek... I have spoken with some trees... actually more listened, because my words are much to rapid and in the now for the lasting power of a tree to stand for much of a long time.

In fact that is Why I have become so enamored to the idea of the universe running on 4/2 time. Humans cannot rasp the entirety of things, and overcomplicate simple truths with fact, fiction and science. That leads to more frentic signatures like cut time, and a rapid 4/4 that powers us to search for more and higher truths and activities. The different cadences of thought are like the differing thought patterns of the tree and myself. But the universe, which is all, and knows all, has a steadier and more understated truth that it pumps out from itself.

Love under will... That is an interesting turn of word my friend. It makes sense though I guess, but it also implies the terms Love against will.

J Murphy

Hello J Murphy

Post 18


Hope you don't mind that compression, it sometime makes things easier. Simplify me in any way that is comfortable for you.
Your mind is one I want to remain in contact with.
Communicating with a rock is even slower than a tree, and also quite interesting. Even more so since we live on a very dynamic one. In the molton core, 7/3 is something that an Ornette Coleman could appreciate.
Sorry to be so brief, but I got off late tonight and have to go in earlier than usual tomorrow. The mundane must be a part of all of our compensations.

Hello J Murphy

Post 19


Love is quite meaningless unless willed. If you do not control what you think, then what you think relegates itself to the shallow conventions of the mundane dictates of the societal matrix.
Love is the law,

Hello TVF

Post 20


Thank you,
This has all been quite lovely, but I can see that there is no place for a crazy old Eastern Cherokee shaman on so youthful a site. It will take decades to break out of nordic linear thought, and until that breakthrough, anything I say will just bother the youngsters without letting them stop and think outside the line.
Fare very well. This is an excellent site and I hope that it prospers.
Love is the law,

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