This is the Message Centre for Miss Jeni


Post 1

Miss Jeni

Guess what, this Friday i've got to go to the doctors and have part of my toenail removed FRO THE THIRD TIME - i mean how gross is that!!??!!!
Wish me luck - or actually i'd rather you wish the doctor good luck, he's the 1 removing it!!!!
I've got to have injections put in my foot!! - Yuk!!!


Post 2

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Are you still alive? I haven't seen you since Thursday. That's a point, several h2g2 members have disappeared. That includes Avatar approx 7 weeks) and Loonytunes (Ace up sleeve) (that's around 5 weeks). What's going on?


Post 3

Miss Jeni

No, I can assure you that I am still alive !!!!!!!
Maybe the others have been abducted by aliens !!!!!!!
Quick call Mulder and Scully, actually while you're at it call Carter as well, just in case ???? eh ???


Post 4

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I think it's LePerdymonkee's fault, as he's the only one left (apart from me) on the forum of The Realm Of Chaos, everyone else has just stopped replying!

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