This is the Message Centre for Scorpio
Greeting to you too!
Peta Started conversation Jan 23, 2000
Hi! Welcome to the Guide. I'd love a beer. Are they cold?
Greeting to you too!
Anonymouse Posted Jan 23, 2000
Woah.. Pop in to say hi and I find Peta already here.. *peers intently at Scorpio* ... Should I know you?
Well, I've known several scorpios over the... erm.. years (yeah, that's it ) and.. uhm.. Well.. never mind about all that.
Oh well.. Saw your light on and thought I'd pop in to say Hi. If Peta has taken you under her wings (so to speak.. I mean.. it's not like she's Queen bluDragon ( ) or anything), I know your in good hands.
Greeting to you too!
Scorpio Posted Jan 25, 2000
Thanks! I already feel at home...
And the beer is ice cold!
Greeting to you too!
Scorpio Posted Jan 25, 2000
Hi, glad to see you've come by...
...*slightly taken aback by Anonymouse's intent stare*...
Should you know me? Don't know, maybe...maybe not.
Would you like a beer? They're ice cold.
Greeting to you too!
Anonymouse Posted Feb 1, 2000
Sure, why not?
*tries to imagine an extremely hot day but fails miserably, still seeing snow piling ever-deeper outside* Ah well.. *pop, sip* Thanks!
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Greeting to you too!
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