This is the Message Centre for St. Cthulhu
St. Cthulhu Started conversation Feb 12, 2000
Slowly, I listen to the soft tumble of hopes as they relieve themselves from me. Burden lifted, I am again myself to carry on.
Researcher Frin E. Frin Posted Feb 24, 2000
I need an Ox and 3 pack mules at all times in order to carry mine.
I still fall over.
St. Cthulhu Posted Feb 28, 2000
Not to sound patronizing and disrespectful, but I belive that what you ment to say was "The tender side of a cat is little more than another bit of the."
I hope this rectifies things.
Researcher Frin E. Frin Posted May 8, 2000
Not that it ever were so.
But just for the sake of argument... Most will do so during the summer rather than the winter, because having emerged from the depths, they can get on with thier "to do list". The decision to do so, frees them and allows them to function better than they ever have before. This is why it is always such a suprise to those around them when they are found at lunch.
Hitch a boat ride and dont ever think that lunch is the only alternative.
St. Cthulhu Posted May 8, 2000
Oakland, TK: Last tuesday around the bend, a large croak of frogs was located in the spinal cord of a Mr. Torpid Water Moccis. He once again played fiddle for the boston philharmonic and another of the three cisterns. Next wednesday over the hills and through the dale, there will be a wedding reception. Thank you very much and next time bring a hedgehog.
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