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Luckily I had a shower.

Post 1

The Kitcat

Yes yes yes...

Well I managed to fix all the bugs. Even those annoying little ones that come and go without explanation.

And relax.

I spent the weekend in Exeter for my friend Damo's 21st party. Crazy things went on, mainly due to the fact that we made the punch far too nice and far too soon. Or it could have been the vodka... nevermind.

The trip back was dire - I was hungover and wearing the clothes I'd slept in because I'd left my bag in someone else's room who then locked them in when he went to bed. Doh!

First the train's brakes wouldn't work so we waited for an hour to get them fixed. Then it were delayed by 15 mins. Naturally I had missed my connection and the next train going to Leamington Spa couldn't, for some inexplicable reason, come to Reading.

So onto another train to meet the right train at a half-way house. I finally roll in very late and tired. I immediately dove into the shower to wash away the excesses of the weekend... which was extremely lucky indeed.


Because very early the next morning some people came in and started taking apart our bath - obviously this needed the water switching off. So we had no water, no way to wash and with builders filling the bathroom with doors (don't ask), old baths, a million toolboxes and other sundry items like mugs of stale coffee there was no chance of even having a morning piss.

I like gardens.

Luckily I had a shower.

Post 2


Hi The KitKat

You sure cleaned up just in time.

I posted a message on your page - but you have missed it some how.

Its just under the DISCUSS THIS ENTRY on your home page.

Have Fun

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Luckily I had a shower.

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