This is the Message Centre for Sonic Healer

Management Position

Post 1

Digital Dorothy

Accept with no hesitation, is my advice, Sonic Healer. There's nothing like a Hare turned Hound, in my view. Besides, you'll be able to go on lots of management courses - many of them "outward bound" and what's more, you'll at last be in a position to buy some decent clothes and several bottles of bacardi. Now you too will be able to sit in high powered meetings and pontificate about whether or not staff should get sandwiches. Go for it. The power, the money, the glory.......(In exchange for this advice, I will require my usual rate as a client with the abolition of the ridiculous "set up" fee currently charged by your company.)

Management Position

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

May I take this opportunity, on MayDay (a traditional celebration of Labour), to wish all Managers a happy Management Day, exactly a month from now.

Management Position

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

...That is to say: a month ago.

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