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Electronic Fuel Injection, Air/Fuel Mixtures and Catalytic Convertors

Post 1


Hi Sam, I surfed through the pages of "edited guides" if I got it right, this is the way inform you that I think a revision of the above mentioned entrie could be useful. Please inform me if it works like this.

Thanks and Regards

PS: If you are may going to so here some more info on the topic:

1.Catalytic conversion in a car

1.1 Oxidising unburned fuel using Platinum as a catalyst
CxHy + (x+y/4) O2 -> x CO2 + y/2 H2O

1.2 Oxidising Carbon monoxide using Platinum as a catalyst
CO + 1/2 O2 -> CO2
CO + H2O -> CO2 + H2

1.3 Reducing Nitrogen oxide using Platinum and Rhodium as catalysts
NO + CO -> 1/2 N2 + CO2
NO + H2 -> 1/2 N2 + H2O

Getting in contact with lead Platinum and Rhodium lose their catalytic
properties, thats why unleaded fuel was needed when the catalytic converters in cars came up.

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Electronic Fuel Injection, Air/Fuel Mixtures and Catalytic Convertors

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