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How do I find learn to ride a motorcyle???

Post 1

The minstrel boy

I already know how to ride a bicyle but everytime I have tried to ride a motorcyle, ... crash, .... boom, .... oops so sorry wash that your wall???

How do I find learn to ride a motorcyle???

Post 2


In the UK there are companies which will teach you to ride, and pass your tests....
BCNU - Crescent

How do I find learn to ride a motorcyle???

Post 3

The minstrel boy

Do you know if there is any similar in the USA?

How do I find learn to ride a motorcyle???

Post 4


I would have thought so, it's just a case of finding them. Try looking in the yellow pages or other directory for both driving and motorcycle instructors/schools.

How do I find learn to ride a motorcyle???

Post 5


Check out the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at http://www.msf-usa.org/

They provide beginner and advanced courses at reasonable prices and you don't have to own a motorcycle.

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