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...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 1


Any suggestions?

...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 2

Boys and Cake Girl

It might sound like rubbish advice but I always favour the up-front approach. As in, you're very nice, why don't you dump your boyfriend and go out with me? That way everyone knows where they stand and you know at once whether to waste your energy on more pain and anguish or not. But I do have to admit I've never done it BUT I did advise a friend to do it and it worked and they've been together five years now. smiley - smiley It depends on if there's any sexual tension there or if you think it's wholly unrequited. (If it is, I have a whole other list of suggestions.)

...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 3

Demon Drawer

If you have any gay friends get them to make a pass at the girls boyfriend, and make sure he mentions that he wasn't that coy the other night. It might work, but then again I hear that some girls like the challenge of turning gay men straight, so it may backfire.

...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 4


Creative suggestion! Don't think I'd go that far though.

...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 5

Just Another Number

Here's a suggestion. It may take quite some time, but is most likely to succeed.
Get the girl to go out with you several times without her knowing that you're "going out." Try going places together with common friends, talking occasionally on the phone, things like that. But make sure her boyfriend isn't there when you go out. (Duh.)
Slowly become friends with her.... and then before you know it she'll start to like you! No kidding. If things start to go down with her boyfriend you're right there to move in. If things don't start to go down with her and her boyfriend, then try some more creative things in addition to what you're already doing. Remember, the first step is to become friends with the girl first.
Need more help/ideas? I don't have time now, sorry.

...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 6

The minstrel boy

First and foremost I would find out what the girl likes. If you have other friends in common try to establish that. Second, what you have established what she likes try being geuninely intrested in those things. Finally, try to spend time with her and her instrests in a non threathing way.

If all else fails you could just pay some guy named guido to take her boyfreind out back and have him fitted for cemment shoes ... but then you will have to take into account any mourning period she me express and of course you will have to keep guido quite ... double murders can be sooo messy ...

Lots o' luck

...get a girl to dump her boyfriend and see me instead...sigh!

Post 7


Reply to just another number:

Whatever you do, don't get to be to much of a friend, cause then she'll most probarbly NEVER start dating you for real.
Friendship is a to importent feeling, and nobody want to give it up for something as flighty as love!

I can't remember half the times a girl have told me that she dodn't want to start dating me/my friend/that guy because she's afraid that it might ruin our/their friendship!

If she starts to mention things like that her boyfriend have this nasty habit of ?, you're NOT getting close to getiing her, you're probarblky NEVER gonna score her.

And, belive me. I have tried/seen this so many times you would cry for me if you knew.


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