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Boring day

Post 1

Tea Drinker

 So, I spend three years at college get a First Class degree and lots of debt... so much debt in fact that the only way out is to get more into debt. But, here's the catch - in order to get more debt I need a full time job. Who will give me a full time job? No-one. Why not? Because I spent three years bumming around at college making films and ended up with a ruddy First in Film & Video.

No-one likes a smart arse.

Boring day

Post 2


Do that many people really call their pets Ben? My grandma has a dog of the same name, and I'd never really thought many other people did. I thought they all called them "Sniffles" and "Smokey". Not that it matters who's called what to my grandma, God bless her soul, who is forever calling me Toby, her long dead previous pet.

Sit, boy!

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