This is the Message Centre for Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Just a thought

Post 21


I AM BACK!!! That's the most impostant thing right now... smiley - smiley Germany was great but a week in a family with no internet and only one lousy half-an-hour in an internet café with no time to answer to any posts is enough to make one crazy... smiley - winkeye No, honestly I didn't have any time to miss the computer but now that I'm here I'm hooked again... smiley - smiley Umm... I'll go and read about your concerts now... smiley - smiley

Just a thought

Post 22

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*grins* Yes, I know what it's like... I was away for almost 3 weeks a couple of months ago... smiley - smiley With no access to a computer whatsoever... smiley - winkeye It was terrible... smiley - winkeye And I *had* the time to miss it... smiley - smiley

...especially email, but that's another story... smiley - winkeye

Well, so I suppose you enjoyed your stay? smiley - smiley How did you do with the language? smiley - smiley


I don't know if you've noticed that I haven't moved...

...this is because of the major site update that happened while you were away...

It sort of botched the chess program, at least it wouldn't play when I tried... smiley - sadface

Well, OK, I admit I should have checked Pastey's page about that... smiley - winkeye But well... smiley - smiley I didn't really have the time... smiley - smiley

Just a thought

Post 23


Chess doesn't work? smiley - sadface Well, perhaps I could go and see if Pastey has anything to say about it... If I've got time... smiley - smiley

The Germany was very great... It's been almost ten years since I last was there... And it went also well with the language... As long as they were talking hochdeutsch... When it went to bayerisch I couldn't understand a word... smiley - smiley But I guess I learned something there too... smiley - smiley

Just a thought

Post 24


You're still on? Cool... smiley - smiley There nothing anywhere that says anything about the chess... smiley - sadface

Just a thought

Post 25

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Oh well... I was still on, I suppose...

...I was just about to answer when my mam came & virtually unplugged the modem from the phone line... smiley - sadface

She doesn't like me to be inline too much, can't you tell... smiley - winkeye

Sorry about that...

Nothing about the chess?

Oh well...

We'll see what happens, I suppose... smiley - smiley

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