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Post 1


I saw it twice yesterday(or the day before yesterday really) and it was truly magnificent!
I am of course talking about Star Wars: Episode I...
Going to the premiere was something very much out of the ordinary and I recieved many comments for my fine Imperial Uniform(so what if the empire does not exist in SW:EI?)!
It was great fun mingling with all the other fans and of course the highlight of the eavning was to see the movie we had all been waiting for so long!(I could have seen it months ago on DVD but being an idealiost I passed the offer! ;^)

It was GREAT!
Once again a big HURRAY for Sandrews Cinemas whoo made this night a very special one not only by showing this great movie, giving us great places to sit and having the best sound and seats but also for having invited to special guests to introduce the movie: The Darth Lords of Sith, Maul and Vader(The latter escorted by two imperial Storm Troopers!). This was a great surprise and it made us all feel even better!

I do have a few complaints though:
The Introducton(the floating yellow text) had been translated to Swedish!
Too much CG(even if it was VERY good it was rather tiresome because you DO see the differance! It is not the same feeling...)
Jar Jar was ok but a bit irritating sometimes!

To sum it up I give this fantastic movie 4 out of 5 imperial stars:


Post 2


It was pretty good, wasn't it? The last Star Trek film was good on the big screen too. Just seen Toy Story 2 - even better than the original!

Oh yes... hi there SkyMan, I'm Pegasus, a mythological winged horse (so they tell me).



Post 3


Hi, oh you flying horse.
I am SkyMan, a flying human. :^)
I agree on the lates ST movie being a Big Hit for the Big Screen, I havn't seen Toy Story 2 though.
Anyways I'm just glad you dropped by to say hi!


Post 4


In which case, I'll do it again.


I'm not sure if a flying horse counts as a sentient being, or whether I'm just a SEP! How is life in Sweden? Do you see much 'light of day' at this time of year?

'sus ~A~


Post 5


Hi Again!
Sweden at this time of year is close to it's best.
We just set our watches to summertime so there is plenty o' light outside! :^)


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