This is the Message Centre for Diamond Moon
Researcher 93445 Started conversation Jan 3, 2000
Hello & Welcome, mystery person. At least now we know where you're from. Interesting name -- care to explain?
Diamond Moon Posted Jan 7, 2000
In Buddhist symbols diamond is one translation of vajra which better translates as diamond thunderbolt representing strength, agent of change, beauty etc. The moon is used in one Zen story as a symbol of enlightenment as in "the finger pointing at the moon" meaing we ca be told about it but we can't understand it - before moon landings of course.
So, I suppose I'm using the two together as a symbol of what I'd like to be - somone strong & somewhat mysterious. At a more mundane level I think its a beautiful sounding combination.
Any more knowledgeable Buddhists out there, please feel free to comment, correct my off the cuff interpretations etc !!
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