This is the Message Centre for Amigo

Danger! Warning!

Post 1


Well here it is Monday,and I just MISSED XMAS!!!
I went to bed on Thursday after work,and got up yesterday....
The Millennium Bug has transmuted over to humans...Knocks u out
and messes up your system clock!
Be careful reading this journal,as I don't know what the vectors
are yet...You could get it next 8^D.

Danger! Warning!

Post 2

Mostly Harmless

Thought the least I could do was reply to this.

Try shift work. I rarely know what day it is. And Xmas is just another work day.

Double time tho'.

Not that we work any faster. smiley - smiley

Danger! Warning!

Post 3


Cheers,MH...I escaped from shiftwork 18 yrs ago....only 8 daymen left
now at our place,&getting less.
The other poor souls work 4x12hr shifts..2 days,then 2 nights,then 4
days off...the best part of the system by all accounts is the 4 off!
Also no such thing as overtime rates....every day paid the same 8^(
All the best

Danger! Warning!

Post 4

Mostly Harmless

I was reading your page again. Do you use an Amiga to get online, 'cos I thought my A500+
was well and truly redundant by now?
Also the reference to 'tank drivers' makes you sound like a biker?
Just being nosy,

Catch ya later.

Danger! Warning!

Post 5

Mostly Harmless

I was reading your page again. Do you use an Amiga to get online, 'cos I thought my A500+
was well and truly redundant by now?
Also the reference to 'tank drivers' makes you sound like a biker?
Just being nosy,

Catch ya later.

Danger! Warning!

Post 6

Mostly Harmless

Whoops, dunno how I posted that twice.


Danger! Warning!

Post 7


It's ok,MH,sometimes I have the dreaded double postings...dunno why!
Yep,I'm on an Amiga 4000/040 with 18megs of RAM,1GIG HD,16XCDROM..
Pretty ancient by today's standards,but I'm waiting for the new
AmigaOne to be released next year,cos I hate all that money going
into Bill's pockets,and I like the user-friendly Amiga operating
I'm an ex-biker now I spose,as I sold up 3yrs ago..(Maybe I'll get a
Harley next year and be born again)
The 'tank drivers' refers to stupid people who scrape a slot in the
frost on their screen to drive to work.....Dangerous gits!
All the best,

Danger! Warning!

Post 8

Mostly Harmless

This is getting dangerously close to a conversation smiley - smiley
I like the sound of avoiding Microshite stuff, I didn't know Amiga format was still going.
I ride a Ducati Monster 600, sometimes (nice weather) and a Honda Revere 600 the rest
of the time (September through to July!)



(first name terms eh?)

Danger! Warning!

Post 9


Lucky bugger!
My last bike was a Yamaha custom...I've always been the laid-back
sort....rode it summer & winter come what may.
I've got a 4-wheel bike now...Honda CRX...World's most powerful
1.6 VTEC engine,& electric hardtop for the summer.
How's the injuries,btw?
all the best,
Am (first name terms,eh?)

Danger! Warning!

Post 10

Mostly Harmless

Sorry, I thought I'd replied. I half sent it and it crashed. Never mind eh.
The injuries were dissapointingly minor. I was back at work in a couple of days.

Honda CRX, I know it, we nearly got one a while back. I went to one that had been stuck in a ditch a while ago. Driver had a lucky escape.

If you wanna get back into biking we are selling a Honda NS125R at the moment smiley - winkeye


Danger! Warning!

Post 11


125?...cheeky git!
I fanch 1 of these cheapo Harleys they got up town...only £5k for
a Sportster,,nice an comfy for me old bones....none a that lying
on the tank for me ta!

Danger! Warning!

Post 12

Mostly Harmless

Comfy? Harley?

Don't they vibrate enough to blow headlamps twice a week?

You wanna get a jap rep Harley type thing you do.



If I don't hear from you before, Merry Christmas. Unless you're Jehovah's witness or summat.

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